Looking for an alliance

Looking for an ally,
I am a map 5 experience searching 5x5 ally with either Gold 1/p4 tier in war.
My timezone is IST (GMT +0530)
I will be active from 07:00 AM IST to 11:00 PM IST at max.

Currently using line - nobodyherre


  • DetailedPanic27DetailedPanic27 Member Posts: 22
    My LINE ID is DetailedPanic27. Give me a shout.
  • Cell0203Cell0203 Member Posts: 5
    Hello Panic I am currently in a 21 mil rated gold 2 ally that I am leaving. I am interested in becoming a member. I have a hero rating around 400k plus and I am uncollected.
  • DetailedPanic27DetailedPanic27 Member Posts: 22
    We'd love to have you. Our leader requires the LINE app.3 AW groups, AQ is three groups, map 5,5,4. If you're good with all that, come on over!
  • nobodynobody Member Posts: 12
    Thanks guys, got an ally
  • Crazy_JamieCrazy_Jamie Member Posts: 345 ★★
    Cell0203 said:

    Hello Panic I am currently in a 21 mil rated gold 2 ally that I am leaving. I am interested in becoming a member. I have a hero rating around 400k plus and I am uncollected.

    Hey; if you're still looking send me a message on Line at craxyjamie84.

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