Champions of different rarities gain power at different rates
It was brought to my attention by another player that the same champion at two different rarities (4 star/5 star/6 star) will gain power at different rates from one another and that this has apparently been the case for a while. This is not listed anywhere in the game and serves no discernible purpose gameplay-wise for this variance to exist.
I did some testing and will post video and screenshots here for you to decide. The purpose is solely to highlight the clear difference in power gain rate despite the same opponent and the same actions being taken. Below are screenshots of 6* R1 Red Hulk and 5* R3 Red Hulk each at 12 hits with no blocked hits taken with different power against RoL WS, as well as 6* R2 Corvus Glaive and 4* R5 Corvus Glaive at 25 hits and 5 parries at different power also against RoL WS. There is also a Youtube link to a video showing each of the fights to prove that the fights were each done the same way.
I did some testing and will post video and screenshots here for you to decide. The purpose is solely to highlight the clear difference in power gain rate despite the same opponent and the same actions being taken. Below are screenshots of 6* R1 Red Hulk and 5* R3 Red Hulk each at 12 hits with no blocked hits taken with different power against RoL WS, as well as 6* R2 Corvus Glaive and 4* R5 Corvus Glaive at 25 hits and 5 parries at different power also against RoL WS. There is also a Youtube link to a video showing each of the fights to prove that the fights were each done the same way.
Is that what is happening here? Because it doesn’t look like it.
Dr. Zola
Medium always gives x% (2 hit medium has a+b=x to still be level with 1 hit mediums), lights give y%, heavies give z% (same deal with multihit stuff).
It would be nice to have access to exact power gain rate information via @Kabam Miike to both clarify what's going on in my original post as well as to further allow players to have a deeper understanding of the game.
So hopefully Kabam can address this (either confirm or refute it) here in this thread.
I've never actually reflected on how power is gained before, and if there's a difference between different tiers of the same champ. Just getting to know how the power gain is actually calculated would be very helpful and interesting!
Because for 5 years this game has given out basic information as if it was a double-secret probation joint black ops program run by the NSA and MI-6.
Need an example? Prestige. The heavy lifting gets done by guys like @mutamatt and **** Slug and RoninNupe and others who don’t get paid a dime.
Just level with us a little. Promise it won’t hurt
Dr. Zola
“Please be informed that power gain rate is increased ever so slightly with each rank, so 6-stars will have a lower power gain rate than 5-stars because rank 2 is like the highest you can get at this point for a 6-star.”
From the very small sample, this appears to match what is shown, with the 6*r1 and 4*r1 IMIW gaining power at the same rate.
The support response is interesting and a little counterintuitive, but at least it’s something.
Things still look inconsistent between different champs, though.
Dr. Zola