KM no true strike after ultron's sp1 if he's too far back.

It basically says it all in the title.
You can go duel one or try to use Killmonger on the still broken spry lane in variant 3 and experience this lovely new bug for yourself. Don't even try to tell me is bc I'm out of range, KM gets true strike after Spidey's sp1 100% of the time from across the screen. Spidey sp1, I evade both balls then run in. In the v3, I had WS on my team, btw.
I guess Kabam saw Seatin's video and thought it too easy on us.
You can go duel one or try to use Killmonger on the still broken spry lane in variant 3 and experience this lovely new bug for yourself. Don't even try to tell me is bc I'm out of range, KM gets true strike after Spidey's sp1 100% of the time from across the screen. Spidey sp1, I evade both balls then run in. In the v3, I had WS on my team, btw.
I guess Kabam saw Seatin's video and thought it too easy on us.

Actually, idk why we can't punish every special?
There are some weird timings for KM's true strike. I have him at r5 and love him, but you run into this issue with a few champs. Notably, IMIW (both specials), miles (l1). There are a few others but since true strike matters for those 2, it can be a pain.
A nice little way to counter it tho is to use the winter soldier synergy. Not only does it do a lot for WS, but it gives Killmonger his true strike off of intercepts. Tip: if you use the counterpunch gained from his l1 (let your opponent dash into your block, then immediately attack) that registers as an intercept, activating true strike. It's a nifty little way to keep true strike up more often.
Yep, this is about the only use of my WS 6*, tbh.
Oh, btw, if u evade ultron's S1 closer in, TS activates every time.