Who is your favorite MCU villain?

Like the title says, who’s your favorite villain from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? For me, it’s either Winter Soldier or Kaecilius. What do you think?
Warden out ~
Warden out ~
He has been my favorite in the comics as well.
Also WS is a complete bad-***
Warden out ~
Personal favorite actually gotta be Loki. He's technically a anti-hero in MCU but I think he counts here.
Personal favourite? I think its a draw between Hela and Winter Soldier. They were both really badass in their own way.
However i would like to see Dormammu get redemption, i think he could be the next big baddie.
Overall mcu villians are not very interesting as characters, vulture is probably the best one.
Thanos for example has no clear motivation. I mean, killing half creatures living is even senseless, as population would restore with time anyway. Killmonger is just generic and boring. Same for ghost Mysterio - what was he going to do by the time real threat appears? A lot of things wrong imo in her from home. Just can't relate to those villians, except vulture more or less
Favorite Villain-villain is probably Crossbones