Am I the only one who gets MORE excited about buffing old champions than introducing new ones?

_Barabbas__Barabbas_ Member Posts: 139
It might just be me, but I get way more excited about buffing old champs than I do about introducing new ones.

Am I the only one who gets MORE excited about buffing old champions than introducing new ones? 150 votes

More excited by New champs
ArcDeAngelusHaji_SaabTimone147KDoggg2017OrcDovahkiinDuke_SilverIDogecx23433LaVarBBBTorah13SDPIKONTehsigzorzCiqMCOCTheSquish671StanceRockypantherxX_Factor_AgentBeyond00_GeorgiaDawg 25 votes
More excited by Buffing Old champs
Neroa65PantherusNZJh_DezSnakeEyes69AjavedWilljackson16arni2KoperBoyGriffoplaySpity68abn86LosspikRapRiise81RazorDevilbelli300Adrian920307Nick_Caine_32zuffyRam_Sarkar 125 votes


  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    It depends on who gets buffed, if Groot is next, I’ll be over the moon
  • AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Member Posts: 286 ★★
    I have to agree with the others; it depends on the champion that is getting buffed. I'd actually be excited if they announced a buff for Deadpool X-Force. I have him as a 6* and he just sucks haha
  • _Barabbas__Barabbas_ Member Posts: 139
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I agree, it helps to have a champion that gets buffed. However, I dont even have a leveled 4*, 5* or 6* Colossus and I am super excited for his buff! I can't wait to land one now!
  • _Barabbas__Barabbas_ Member Posts: 139
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Also, not that it matters to me much, but buffed old champs are ALREADY in circulation in 4,5,6* Crystals. You have to wait months outside of Arenas for new champs.
  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    More excited by New champs
    Problem with buffing old champs is that it will make past, present, and future content more difficult, e.g. unavoidable damage. Now if the updates did not add that noninteractive "mechanic" to the game, I would have more excitement for buffing old champs.
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Old Champs

    This way I dont have to waste my time trying to get new ones that later on will be nerfed.
  • Luckylefty01Luckylefty01 Member Posts: 156
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I think it is cool that kabam is letting us vote on the champ they will buff. Last vote I voted Groot even though I didn't have the champ. And if it wasn't for buffing old champs I would have a lot of meh champs instead of decent ones (Luke Cage, Rulk, Spider Gwen, She Hulk, OML and Colossus)
    It is also great to buff the older champs as most of the newer champs to have come out in the last 2 years have been very powerful.
  • REiiGN15REiiGN15 Member Posts: 120
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Since all these new characters have cooler animations and abilities I REALLY want to see others buffed. Even Magneto, Wolverine, Dr. Strange(hope there's a new version of him in the next movie).
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Mainly because I have a lot of the old champs, most new champs I won't get for a long time
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I actually have them
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    As a f2p I can act actually get the old champs without grinding arena.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I say this because although this game is really fun and there aren’t a whole lot of games like this, it’s biggest negative for me is the fact the most iconic and well loved champs suck compared to newer more obscure champs. I grew up loving Thor, Hawkeye, Cyclops, Magneto, and Nightcrawler. For the most part they all are weaklings compared to Darkhawk (who?), Domino (lesser known character), Ghost (older, lesser known character who I’ve heard of), and Doctor Voodoo (maybe a bit more known but I haven’t heard of him before this game). While I also do enjoy playing with some of the newer champs that I also loved like Havok and Sabretooth, I just feel like the original champs are basically discarded and never thought about again. Buffing the iconic champs that everybody knows and loves should be a priority in my opinion. I’m sure most Marvel fans are rolling over knowing that Night Thrasher is used more than Magneto.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I still don't have ghost or OR, but have a lot of trash old champs. Also even though they take too much time to buff older champs, new champ are added only 3 months later, and even after that chances to pull them are very low. So obviously I'm all about old champs. Can't wait to see new oml, but still hope we will get buffed magneto and dpx as a surprise
  • blazingskyx27blazingskyx27 Member Posts: 42
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Buffing old champs is the way to go. My way of thinking is that the best way to clear the contents in this game is to grind for crystal shards and hope to get a champ who will be a game changer for me. Not anymore. The plan is to rank up the decent champs in my roster and tweak my mastery set up that will benefit those champs the most. I discarded the "gambler" mentality and chose a more sensible strategy to play this game.
  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 58
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    It probably because if you have the champs getting buffed you get more excited than getting a good champ you either have pay for or grind out or wait 3 months for it just makes sense why people like the old champ buffs
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Madcat said:

    Problem with buffing old champs is that it will make past, present, and future content more difficult, e.g. unavoidable damage. Now if the updates did not add that noninteractive "mechanic" to the game, I would have more excitement for buffing old champs.

    That powercreep is inevitable regardless of whether or not old champs are buffed. So buffing old champs would indirectly make content easier by increasing the number of viable champions. As for old/present content, they could do what they did with RoL Blackbolt where they didnt change his abilities for only that quest
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Almost all the marvel well known characters suck. Pretty sure most people wouldn’t consider downloading the game if it weren’t for their favorite comic characters are in it. No 5-6* Wolverine. og Thor and doc strange nerfed. Magneto, cyclops suck.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    I always enjoy seeing new characters come in because it freshens up the contest, but I do like buffs, because the majority of champs from 2015 are bad.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Wish they would buff one champ and introduce one new champ a month. It’s just ridiculous a 3 star domino hits harder than a 6 star hulkbuster. When I heard they were going to buff human torch he is decent and so many older champs have been left behind hulkbuster vulture and so on.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs

    Buffing old champs is the way to go. My way of thinking is that the best way to clear the contents in this game is to grind for crystal shards and hope to get a champ who will be a game changer for me. Not anymore. The plan is to rank up the decent champs in my roster and tweak my mastery set up that will benefit those champs the most. I discarded the "gambler" mentality and chose a more sensible strategy to play this game.

    I'm curious, how do you do that? What kind of decent champions do you have in mind?
  • _Barabbas__Barabbas_ Member Posts: 139
    More excited by Buffing Old champs

    Wish they would buff one champ and introduce one new champ a month. It’s just ridiculous a 3 star domino hits harder than a 6 star hulkbuster. When I heard they were going to buff human torch he is decent and so many older champs have been left behind hulkbuster vulture and so on.

    Same. 1 new a month, buff 2 old every month.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    More excited by New champs
    New champs make money, older champ buffs don't. I want Kabam to keep making money so I can keep playing the game.
  • _Barabbas__Barabbas_ Member Posts: 139
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    IKON said:

    New champs make money, older champ buffs don't. I want Kabam to keep making money so I can keep playing the game.

    True, but they lose money when players quit because they keep grinding and pulling **** 5*s.

    If they release 1 new a month and buff 2 old (at least for a while) they get best of both.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 878 ★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    I like when they Buff champs that should be bad ass and just suck in the game now. Or like champs that everyone loves or are super popular and just suck. For instance Ironman. Hes so many people favorite champs and he just blows. He your favorite character and you get him and you just are not even stoked, actually pissed lol.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs

    I like when they Buff champs that should be bad ass and just suck in the game now. Or like champs that everyone loves or are super popular and just suck. For instance Ironman. Hes so many people favorite champs and he just blows. He your favorite character and you get him and you just are not even stoked, actually pissed lol.

    Yes it is a bit frustrating when the champ you want to play with the most is one of the worst in the game. But I got really lucky with 5 of the grandmaster crystals and got 5* Thor which I’ve wanted forever. I know his power is merely a fraction of its former self but I can’t help but like the champ. I used a 2015 cosmic gem on him and if I can manage to dupe him, I will take him to R5. I know a lot of people asking me why because he’s irrelevant and sucks now but I just can’t help it. He’s Thor!
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Always excited for when my trash turns to gold or at least trash in a neat bag and not torn apart and spilled on my lawn.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Yeah me too, but it's not in Kabam's best interest to do that.. haha..
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    More excited by Buffing Old champs
    Its starting to become in kabams best interest, lots of players are not spending money anymore cause they KNOW that chanp is getting nerfed cause they do it everytime when you have a game that is based on chance you gotta keep people guessing if you want to keep people spending and alot are simply quitting the game in favor of a more stable game, lots of games coming out that are similar to MCOC
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