[iOS] 24.2 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • JesusBlackJesusBlack Member Posts: 5
    latest ios update
    latest game update

    Phone is getting super hot. This can't be good, and I fear continuing to play will likely damage my phone permanently.
  • tomtom1186tomtom1186 Member Posts: 33
    Game Name: tomtomtom1186
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: IOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: MOST RECENT
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: CANT HEAVY AFTER A PARRY.

    I can’t heavy anymore after a parry I have to tap twice to do a heavy . I can heavy normally if no parry but if I parry then I try to heavy it doesn’t trigger unless I press twice (which I can’t use I don’t have enough time to do 2 times a heavy to trigger heavy )
  • Captain_KandiceCaptain_Kandice Member Posts: 222 ★★
    In-Game Name: Captain Kandice
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.0
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi (but haven’t tried on cell)
    Game Version Installed:24.2.1
    Game Mode: So far AQ & AW haven’t done anything else
    Description of the Issue:

    1) In AQ tonight AA kept getting stuck in block after a parry when I tried to do a heavy. Same issue with AW attack yesterday with GR (as well as earlier today in AQ). Seems to be a worse situation than an issue I was having before where my champ’s heavy would be delayed in starting the wind up for a heavy after I held down for the heavy.

    2) the slo-mo seems to be worse with iOS 13 than it was which was already worse than it was with last month’s update

    3) Blocks seem to be failing more than usual (so far I’ve used AA, GR, Blade, and Venom since ios13 update)

  • JoeHsu324JoeHsu324 Member Posts: 3
    Game Name: JoeHsu324
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: MOST RECENT
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: Hard to launch HEAVY

    After update to iOS13, it's very hard to do heavy attack. Before update I can easy trigger a heavy, now I have to tap a little longer or even to push harder on the screen. Even though sometimes it fail to trigger, then my champs just stand there and get hit by the opponent. Holding block is OK , but when I try the old way to do a heavy, it's can't. Please fix that, so I can use the champs who rely on heavy attack. Thank you.
  • TheHeraldGlaiveTheHeraldGlaive Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2019
    In-Game Name: TheHeraldGlaive
    Device and Model: iPhone SE
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. SKT
    Game Version Installed: Version 24.2.1 (Most Recent)
    Game Mode: Fights in EVERY SINGLE MODE. (Story Quest, Event Quest, Daily Quest, Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Duels)

    Description of the Issue:
    After updating to the newly released iOS 13, I have difficulty performing heavy attacks. It doesn't matter if it was after a light attack, a medium attack or even a parry. Heavy attacks just do not execute properly and it's just out right bad for champions that rely on heavy attacks to get the most out of their kit.
    (Quake, Cable, She-Hulk, Spider-man Stark Enhanced, Symbiote Spider-man, Venom, Carnage, Domino, Havoc, Gambit etc.)
    It's also a real pain for me as I take the Aegis (Heavy) nodes in AW.
    Thought it was just a coincidence, but it's happening to a lot of others as well. There's a whole post about it down there (https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/160285/iphone-11-11-pro-max#latest).
    Please look into this issue ASAP as more and more people are updating to iOS 13 and might be affected by it.

    Also, my phone has started to heat up much faster and hotter than usual when playing the game. Don't want to start a panic again, but I just don't want this to be the start of another overheating issue. I'd rather not want to spend 60-100 more dollars on changing my battery again.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,413 ★★★★★
    Game Name: BigPoppaCBONE
    Device and Model: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: MOST RECENT
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: Can't cancel heavy into specials and transitioning from block to heavy takes extra time and steps.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 878 ★★★★
    Fairly sure I’ve had a post deleted from this thread. Strange because I can’t see how it broke any forum rules.

    It seems kind of pointless people posting here on a monthly basis if their device isn’t powerful enough to run the game. Why not provide a minimum spec of device that should run the game smoothly?

    Should an iPad mini 5 be capable of running this game without issues? As per earlier point, it seems pointless regularly posting issues here if my device isn’t powerful enough to run the game properly?
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    The new parry/heavy bug in iOS 13 just cost me a death in tier 2 AW. Ridiculous. Can’t even play the game anymore. Get it together Kabam.
  • Shakes40Shakes40 Member Posts: 9

    The new parry/heavy bug in iOS 13 just cost me a death in tier 2 AW. Ridiculous. Can’t even play the game anymore. Get it together Kabam.

  • BSiZzLe1BSiZzLe1 Member Posts: 5
    Wish I didn’t update to iOS 13 yesterday.. cause just like many players are already stating across many different threads, I can’t heavy after parrying.. with any champ.. specifically quake.. What’s going on? Smh..
  • Cr1spyjCr1spyj Member Posts: 21
    Game Name: Cr1spyj
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: MOST RECENT
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: Any move immediately after a parry isn’t registering

    Like others have listed above, since upgrading my iPhone 10 to iOS 13 on Friday, the first move Immediately after a parry isn’t registering. I usually go from a parry/stun into either a heavy or 5 hit combo. Not able to do so since upgrading my iOS.
  • EamonCEamonC Member Posts: 10
    I just got kicked from my alliance because of this issue with iOS 13 update.
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  • Aurum29Aurum29 Member Posts: 1
    Device and Version: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest
    Game Mode: Every Mode
    Champions Affected: All Champions
    Active Boosts: None
    Description of the Issue: Heavy after parry doesn't work. This makes champion that relies much on this mechanic unplayable (e.g., Quake, Cap IW, Archangel, Domino). This also makes nodes that involves Aegis node almost impossible to beat. Please issue a fix for this.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Sometimes I just feel like going to Kabam HQ and whacking with my iPad.

    This game has has so many network interruptions on THEIR side and always we have to pay to continue the quests they are causing the end before reaching the boss. The total silence on this is disrespectful to the high number of players suffering the loss because of servers lag, network or other things. Doesn’t care about guys giving all kinds of explanations of how difficult it is to correct. the performance is worse by the month and there are silent tweeting on defenders how they behave. What will be the next!
  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★
    Another war without a fix for the iOS 13 parry/heavy bug. What’s going on with this? My Quake is useless.
  • jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
    I take it this is the cull obsidian re balance ?
  • Mr_A_DogMr_A_Dog Member Posts: 29
    I don't know if it's on your end or what, I'm pretty sure it's not on my device, because I have played on my iPad, my wife's phone, and have hooked up to different Wi-Fi's and even in Verizon's network and at least 10 fights in an hour's time the game lags and I get killed. I've been playing since the game came out and it just keeps getting worse. When I mention lagging I mean that it stutters, the controls get all messed up and doesn't respond to my motions and the person I'm fighting stutters too and ends up whooping me. It just happened about 4 minutes ago when I was fighting in AW against Mordo, but then again it happens a lot. Not sure what is going on, but something needs to be investigated and fixed. I understand that your company is busy with a lot of stuff, but this is driving me crazy and I'm ready to put the he down forever. I love playing but if this keeps up I'm done
  • TWoloszynTWoloszyn Member Posts: 3
    I upgraded to the new iPhone today on iOS 13.0 and now heavy attacks are slightly delayed after parrying/holding block.

    When you hold block and attempt press on the right side of the screen your champ keeps blocking. The only way to successfully heavy attack is fully letting go of block and pressing more forcefully. This heavy appears to be slightly delayed from what I’m used to.

    IGN: RoundTwo
    Device and Model: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 24.2.1
    Game Mode: All Game Modes
    Description: Cannot Parry after a heavy. Have to let go of block and press harder than normal to be successful. Heavy attack appears/feels delayed.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,145 ★★★★★
    Updated to iOS 13 and game has never been the same. Frame drop occurs in every fight and fights are “stuttered” at best and at times frozen for a split second. Advanced content is ridiculous to play with game behaving like this.

    Heavy attacks are delayed and now slow developing—is this a result of the heavy fixes on heavy chain champs, because it feels like it.

    Device and Model: iPhone XS
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.0
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi (full bars, multiple networks)
    Game Version Installed: 24.2.1
    Game Mode: All Game Modes, but especially node heavy modes (AW, Variant)
    Description: Frame drop—screen skips frames noticeably during fight. Heavy attack is delayed after a parry.

    Dr. Zola
  • PhuleproofPhuleproof Member Posts: 15
    In-Game Name: Phuleproof
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS13
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version 24.2
    Game Mode: alliance quest and war have main issues, but occasionally on event quest and arena as well
    Description of the Issue: Issue has been for a couple of weeks. Multiple champions affected. Controls are occasionally unresponsive and progress often unsaved and fights noted as lost after crashes in arena.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 986 ★★★
    Data and wifi

    My phone is becoming unreasonably hot after playing for only a few minutes. The over heating stops and phone becomes noticeably cooler after closing the game. Ive tried every trouble shooting method I can find and to no avail. It is getting worse as the month progresses.
  • Paddy1976Paddy1976 Member Posts: 14
    Since the update am having serious lag issues and also blocking issues.

    Using iPhone SE
    latest IOS
    Latest update

    This is happening in all parts of the game.
  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    iPhone 11 Pro Max
    iOS 13.1 Beta
    Issue happens weather WiFi or cellular. When I go to block it will either attack, block or nothing. And when it does block it releases while still holding block. Does it in arena, alliance quest or daily questing.
  • nOuxnOux Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    Device and Version: iPhone 7 MN962B/A
    Device Operating System: iOS13.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 24.2.1
    Game Mode: Mostly in all more difficult game modes with high PI opponents, especially in Variant and Story Quest
    Champions Affected: All

    Description of the Issue:
    Game starts to run really choppy when fighting difficult bosses like in Variant ultron, Act 6.1.1 Sabertooth etc. But when fighting ultron drones in AQ using same champions and in same stage game runs much better. Other thing i noticed that game starts to run much smoother after 7pm BST.
    Another one thing happened, one day i logged in and all my champions were gone.

    But after several restart attempts they were back on my account as new champions.

    After this thing happened with missing all my champions and after they were back on my account game performance was perfectly smooth in any game mode or arena or any champions i used. Then about 24 hours later i had a huge FPS lag spike and my game performance returned back to being choppy like it was before.

    Maybe this will help with some performance issues that im having with the game.
  • OnesuavebroOnesuavebro Member Posts: 33
    IGN: Onesuavebro
    Device: iPhone 8
    Op: 12.4.1
    Internet: cellular and WiFi
    Game version: latest update
    Game mode: AQ, 3v3 arena, General Questing
    Description of issue: On a 5 hit combo MLLLM often the last medium hit will not register. Blocks will register as medium or heavy attacks. Frame rate gets choppy on certain maps. Jungle map comes to mind.
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  • Rav514Rav514 Member Posts: 57
    In-Game Name: Rav514
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 13
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. SKT
    Game Version Installed: at&t (Most Recent)
    Game Mode: Fights in EVERY SINGLE MODE. (Story Quest, Event Quest, Daily Quest, Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Duels)

    Started when i updated to ios 13. Started crashing in every fight when i updated to oct monthly update
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    In-Game Name: Ronny889
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S/ iPad air
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.

    Champion response is everything from quite accurate to totally hopeless. Mid fight just standing there and take punishment and every input comes late. Choppy movement and very difficult to calculate parry and evade. AI rushes with a speed make me envy their abilities, wish I had them too. Of course AI doesn’t have any choppy gameplay problems and just demolish the champions. The bigger the animation makes evade, parry and counter strike almost impossible. On top of all this your connection issues ALWAYS punishing the players and forces us to spend items and to often money to get through the events.

    It’s a never ending story and your efforts to tweaking the game ( if you even try) is not giving a noticeable chance. Since you also is totally silent about it is not giving anyone any reason to believe you actually is correcting anything.
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