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Which champions would YOU buff?

Comment here the 2 champs from each class you would buff, why, and some buff ideas you might have for them...
(You can also choose not to upgrade Mutant and Cosmic champs, considering there are a lot of great options on this classes.)

For me, I would buff:
Mystic - Juggernaut and Iron Fist
Science - Ant-Man and Rhino
Tech - Iron Man and Hulkbuster
Skill - Falcon and Daredevil (Netflix)
Mutant - Cyclops and Magneto (both)
Cosmic - Kamalah Khan and Superior Iron Man


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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Mystic: Juggernaut and Iron Fist
    Science: Rhino and Joe Fixit
    Tech: Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot
    Skill: Falcon and Netflix Daredevil
    Mutant: Deadpool (X-Force) and Magneto
    Cosmic: Superior Iron Man and Groot

    As for your list, Ant-Man is pretty good with synergies and Kamala Khan when used correctly can stack furies and get some really good damage.
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    GGhostGGhost Posts: 88
    i hope they upgrade Antman, he is a bad champ ( was my 4th 6* :( ) and Magneto because he is some of the best characters of Marvel and kabam does not love him
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    For me it would be:
    Mystic: Juggernaut and Thor (Jane Foster)
    Science: Rhino and Sentry
    Tech: Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot
    Skill: Karnak and BPCW
    Mutant: Storm and Bishop
    Cosmic: Phoenix and King Groot
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    Skillful_starSkillful_star Posts: 756 ★★★
    For me:
    Mystic: Juggs and iron fist
    Science: sentry and rhino
    Skill : Falcon and daredevil
    Mutant: Deadpool xforce and cyclops(either,or both)
    Tech: hulkbuster and iron patriot
    Cosmic: groot and king groot
    As for ideas of buffs:
    -Iron fist,he can have something like the new captain marvel where when he activates his iron fist he gains a bunch of furies and an indestructible buff.
    -Sentry just needs to get a lot lot lot lot more damage,his animations and effects are quite cool,he just needs higher damage and to change that cash grab sig ability he has.
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    FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Mystic: Juggernaut and iron fist
    Science: rhino and antman
    Mutant: deadpoo xforce and magneto
    Skill: falcon and daredevil (both)
    Cosmic: groot and kamala khan
    Tech: hulkbuster& iron patriot
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    Colonaut123Colonaut123 Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mystic - Juggernaut and Mordo, honourable mention of Iron Fist
    Science - Abomination and Yellowjacket, honourable mention of Rhino and M.O.D.O.K. (may I mention this suggestion contains a reference to Disorient debuff, would Kabam have adopted that idea?)
    Tech - Howard The Duck and Hulkbuster, honourable mention of Civil Warrior and Green Goblin
    Skill - Black Panther CW and Kingpin
    Mutant - Cyclops and Storm, honourable mention of Deadpool XF and OG Magneto
    Cosmic - Groot and Ronan
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    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    For me it would be:
    Mystic: Juggernaut and Thor (Jane Foster)
    Science: Rhino and Sentry
    Tech: Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot
    Skill: Karnak and BPCW
    Mutant: Storm and Bishop
    Cosmic: Phoenix and King Groot

    so phoenix needs more of a buff than SIM?
    Of course not, he is trash and needs to be buffed too, but this post was about the 2 champions from each class you would buff. And not who needs it the most.
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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    Etjama said:

    Mystic: Juggernaut and Iron Fist
    Science: Rhino and Joe Fixit
    Tech: Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot
    Skill: Falcon and Netflix Daredevil
    Mutant: Deadpool (X-Force) and Magneto
    Cosmic: Superior Iron Man and Groot

    As for your list, Ant-Man is pretty good with synergies and Kamala Khan when used correctly can stack furies and get some really good damage.

    I agree with this person.
    This person agrees with your agreeing. 🙇‍♂️
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    JoBoB1982JoBoB1982 Posts: 32
    Iron Fist...
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    You’ll sense a theme here...

    Hulkbuster - give him some immunities - Bleed/poison/Coldsnap (IM managed to make his suit work in the upper atmosphere by end of Ironman 1 so..) Passive armour ups, Armour shatter sp1, incinerate on his sp2
    Ironman (classic) - I would make this Ironman a burst champion - passive armour up, armour break sp1, armour shatter sp2, and remove his regen as his arc reactors are still killing him at this stage but give him an energy field around him that reduces powergain and does some small shock damage after a certain stage.

    Groot - take storm breaker off Thor and give poor teenage Groot his arm back.
    Symbiote Spidey - needs to be a combination of venom and Spider-Man like he was in the Toby Maguire films. Sp1/crits can generate buffs, sp2 is the damage output. Shrug debuffs 50% more quickly as he’s got a parasite in him absorbing everything.

    Dr Strange - strong power lock abilities as an homage to his time stone alongside this Id like him to have a ramp up throughout the matchup to represent him looking at more and more futures and being able to predict the outcome. This could result in him being able to have an evade of some form or significant precision buffs as he knows where the opponent is going to be. Also should have a regen from his sp3 as that’s him resetting the time.

    Classic Cap - regen, damage reflection, shrug debuffs,
    classic spidey

    Punisher should just be indestructible and in the basic crystal.


    Got bored NGL, but that’s what I’d do
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    Austin555555Austin555555 Posts: 3,043 ★★★★★
    Skill: Moon Knight
    Science: Ant-Man
    Mystic: Diablo
    Cosmic: Groot
    Tech: Iron Patriot
    Mutant: No mutants need a buff because it’s an overpowered class already
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    Colonaut123Colonaut123 Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    For me it would be:
    Mystic: Juggernaut and Thor (Jane Foster)
    Science: Rhino and Sentry
    Tech: Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot
    Skill: Karnak and BPCW
    Mutant: Storm and Bishop
    Cosmic: Phoenix and King Groot

    so phoenix needs more of a buff than SIM?
    Of course not, he is trash and needs to be buffed too, but this post was about the 2 champions from each class you would buff. And not who needs it the most.
    That's also how I read it. If it is purely necessity, it would be a no-brainer: all meme champions. What's the fun in that?
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    KalantakKalantak Posts: 1,291 ★★★★
    skill - moonknight, daredvil,hawkye
    tech - hulkbuster,ironman og,ironpatriot,warmachine(release in 5&6* too)
    science - joe fixit, miles morales,
    cosmic - sup.ironman,venompoo
    mutant - magneto,cyclops
    mystic - Diablo,dr strange,jane foster
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    mbracembrace Posts: 848 ★★★
    I wish they would put Juggernaut in the poll for the next mystic buff. He’d win by a Colossus landslide.
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    AleorAleor Posts: 3,077 ★★★★★
    mbrace said:

    I wish they would put Juggernaut in the poll for the next mystic buff. He’d win by a Colossus landslide.

    He would never win, if they had unstoppable colossus in it
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    DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Posts: 727 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    Small buff:

    * Crossbones:

    -Increase overrun duration by 15% + % to shrugg of debuffs to max of 30%

    - Decrease overrun cooldown by 25% + duration to hold down block/enter overrun by half a second

    * Psylocke

    - Now gains energy at -15% of normal instead of 20%

    - Special 2 does not grant power upon hitting while having at least 1 psi-charge

    Gave them tiny buffs on purpose bc thats all they need. Plus, if Kabam magically decided to, they can roll out these buffs relatively quickly


    Medium buff:

    * Phoenix

    - Increase damage of furies by A LOT. Same with incinerate

    I love her mechanics. All she really needs is a massive boost in damage which I dont mind as her furies are pretty difficult to maintain anyways.

    * Diablo

    - Make him immune to all debuffs + damage in ironskin. Double his damage in Emberboon. Increase regen in Lifestitch. Leave Counterflow.

    - Remove self-inflicted poison....thats just weird and unnecessary

    - Increase default # of potions per quest to 6

    Same idea as Phoenix. Basically, keep the core mechanics but give meaningful and noticeable buffs


    Large buff:

    * Corvus

    - Pulling him grants free Summoner Sigil for a year
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    AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Posts: 286 ★★
    Moon Knight. His damage output is horrible; my 6* Moon Knight is even weaker than my 6* Deadpool X-Force.. 1.4k crit level of weakness to be precise.
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    TheRealmKeeperTheRealmKeeper Posts: 227
    I don’t have much of an opinion on the missing classes or just can’t think of who I’d choose.. But for me at least, these classes were easy decisions-

    Mystic: Dr. Strange and Iron Fist
    Skill: Falcon and Netflix Daredevil
    Mutant: Deadpool (X-Force) and Magneto
    Cosmic: Phoenix and Groot

    The fact that Strange was once arguably the best champ in the game and is now nothing more then a “trophy” champ of the glory days is one of the saddest stories of this game.
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    NojokejaymNojokejaym Posts: 3,962 ★★★★★
    Dr strange, sim, og black panther, Groot, im, cm, hulk so he can actually be the hulk, sentry, dormmamu, Mephisto
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    Thi101Thi101 Posts: 807 ★★★
    Oh god, they really revived my thread, didn’t they?
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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Thi101 said:

    Oh god, they really revived my thread, didn’t they?

    Thi101 said:

    Oh god, they really revived my thread, didn’t they?

    Yyyyup, I was done here months ago.
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    ArylAryl Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    FIST: DD Netflix and Falcon

    CIRCUIT: IP and CW

    BEAKER: Rhino and CA

    SATURN: Groot and Groot

    HELIX: Red Cyclops and Red Mags

    MOONHAT: Juggs and IF
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    KalantakKalantak Posts: 1,291 ★★★★
    dr strange
    DD both
    miles morales
    jane foster
    iron fist
    Og Bp
    Red skull
    civil warrior
    classic cap
    classic ironman
    hulk buster
    warmachine(release in 5/6*)
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    Dead1Dead1 Posts: 226
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,029 ★★★★★
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    Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Posts: 347 ★★
    Buff my Scarlet Witch, give her another star, that’s all.
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