Would you like to see new backround maps?

I know this is much less relevant and important to most stuff in the game but would you like to see newer or update maps? I think it would give a breath of fresh air to the game and would be a nice change.
Would you like to see new backround maps? 76 votes
Why don’t people understand this.........?
A music change would be awesome though.
Baxter Building
Thanos chair
Far From Home locations
We havnt gotten a new one since Thor Ragnorok came out in 2017
People go to school to learn 3D modeling and animation, others to code programs. Two very different ballparks.
Also I’m not saying there aren’t bugs, but honestly I have barely noticed really anything in the way of gameplay bugs as of late. I’m not pointing fingers when I say this, but I feel like some people get a little enraged that they mis tapped or had food on their hands or something that caused them to screw up, and are too prideful to admit it wasn’t anyone’s fault but their own. Like I had an iPhone 6 from the time the 7 came out until like, 6 months ago, and I really didn’t have much problems. Idk I just feel like the amount of bugs is blown out of proportion.
New maps would definitely be cool
People will be upset that "their" home/public places be in such a violent game. Protest will bring it to fridays for future protest...
millions of Kids will sign up for this game to give us lag or bring the server right down to emergency maintance!
But New backgrounds would be good thou.
Xaviers school building (in or outside)
Deadpools backyard
Magnetos Metalfree jail
(This is the chillest argument/discussion I’ve probably ever had in the forums in a fat minute. Makes me believe in people again lol)