It's Time ... For 5* OG Vision

With so many junk 5*s in our rosters, please give those of us still willing to spend a chance to get a decent 5* champ that doesn't suck. It's time for a 5* Vision offer.
My original guess would have been 3 times the 4* offer so maybe around 12k units...but with the 6* announcement, maybe devalued a bit...10k ish?
We all know Kabam doesn't care about the depreciation of value of certain tiers of characters (if they did, they wouldn't have kept the price of vision at 4k for the last time). And seeing that they offered 5* crystals twice for 15k units, I think that's the standard price and they won't be willing to reduce it
I'm not disagreeing with you, just that I don't know how well it would work if you cannot Awaken him. Plus, since his Specials are broken, he's not too effective this update.
I am surprised, given that 4-stars are not as desirable at this point, why they didn't try a last minute cash in on Deadpool (Classic).
Not sure why he was left out of being a 5 star, but he's the kind of useful character that's nice to have, but is not really OP. Particularly for AQ.
I can relate to your fervor for collecting. Lol.
The problem is if Kabam know what is a non premium price for whatever.
I was to suggest a rerun of the Vision OG offer, just for the ones already had him (if Kabam didn't want flood the contest with him, what make sense for me). Maybe at 2k units because is was just for dupe him (it's not so low price because anyway it would be extra sales for Kabam). But now with the 4* devaluation it would be cheaper.
And in the Starks Quest in master too, if I'm not wrong.
But it don't mean "he's in the game", any champ could be generate for a map if it's necessary. It's just a virtual thing.
I have seen many champs non available in 1* or 2*. Even in a monthly quest Kang was in a map, if you did it in easy or medium you could look a 2* Kang, even I think 1*.
He's not the big deal unawakened. I've both, the AOU is duped and the OG is always in the bench despite I like him just for bias.
I'm agree with Deadpool suggestion. But a realistic price of course, we're talking about a near obsolete tier champ, and a champ who is nobody if not duped.
Says the guy who spent hundreds on ascendant crystals hunting for t4c lol
My account previously