Best overall questing champ??

I have resources to rank one of these below to either a maxed out 5* or rank 2 6*. I will mostly use this champ for story, event, and alliance quests. I only get one, Tough decisions...

Best overall questing champ?? 39 votes

6* unduped Corvus to r2
ArcDeAngelusPantherusNZGhriffinSaransh24510or_StrongHotFondue1520TehsigzorzFhfjghhggggjfhfjgCosmicspiderman777Aaronc94Ewell65SSS69WillieBSuperGoodJohnHSGiodood_1Thoye3tDarkKnightRGMC04 18 votes
Duped AA
Alex13369 1 vote
Duped Omega Red
MhykkeLordRaymond3Dead1gp87FreeToPlay_21Justin2524_MGP_ 7 votes
Symbiote supreme
Duped Blade
RazorDevilSirius111B_Dizzle_01 3 votes
Duped Nick Fury
Duped Hyperion
DOKTOROKTOPUSSpiderCoolsYinzerCrewMiStaLovaDp12blazingskyx27LeoZed 7 votes
Duped Medusa
Duped Stark Spidey
MrLalowmonomuggEdeuink 3 votes
Stealth Spidey


  • HotFondue1520HotFondue1520 Member Posts: 157
    6* unduped Corvus to r2
    All day!
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    6* unduped Corvus to r2
    Guess you have your answer lol!
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
    6* unduped Corvus to r2
    Corvus can just handle so much, and either add a couple of synergies or just the odd alternate champ if necessary.
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 123
    When it comes to questing, as a f2p player I tend to always lean toward a champ that can regen in order to save pots, my top quester is x-23 r4, so overall, blade duped is probably best... Great damage output and controllable healing... But if you're a good player then why even ask? Lol corvus glaive man, I run through everything with my maxed 5*
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I have most of them and I would be tempted with Hyperion over corvus. Anything you kill with corvus l2 you kill with hyperions l2 if you've done a couple parry heavies first. And then it stuns and you get two more heavies, often 6/7 furies, and you get his l2 faster with powergain, healing off his l3, too difficult fights and you can slowplay and spam l3. at r5 mine walks through map 6
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