Thoughts on Upcoming Changes [Edited by mod for clarity]

Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
I have no idea whatsoever at why the community does not like the idea of more content and new ways to progress, I don’t think 4* champs will be obsolete for at least another year as 6* champs will be very hard to find, and it is speeding up progression for new and progressing players, I don’t know why we are annoyed at the idea, and I want to know why, because 4* champs will be usefull for those that need them 5* champs will be useful for those that need them, it is just giving us more options and more game design options, yet we are annoyed at this why????
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on


  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Just how is the release of the sane champs im 6* form gonna mean more content?

    They should have made new content first thalen allow people to rank 5 5*, then months later make this announcement.

    This is speculation as all we know is that the res to r5 a champ will be available before 6 stars drop
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I think something they could do is make 5.3 a lot harder than 5.2 and maybe add t5basics for exploration so we can get r5 5* champs before the first introduction of 6* in quests
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    I think people should atleast wait for the number to come out before they start critisizing it. Who knows maybe the max you will be able to rank them will be a rank 4 that would have some more PI than a rank 5 5*. We way too less information to just downright deny it. Atleast give them a chance I mean you won't even know how they would turn out to be
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    4* champs probably will be but not for a long time as it looks like getting 1 6* will take a year
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I think they will introduce them like 5* champs,slowly release the materials to rank them past the ability to be stronger than the 5* champs if you get what I mean
  • AppieAppie Member Posts: 99
    so what is the point of doing this actualy for a player perspective?
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    4 stars will only become obsolete for advanced people only and will still help for 4 star arenas
  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160
    More options (kind of but not very interesting ones) and game designs, Not really, it's just a rehash of same champs just basically more health and damage.

    Why would I want a six star champ over better or different game modes at this point. Only thing I'm semi reserving harsher judgement for is because they are being released next year. But still rather would have read about bases or something else first. I would love to fight the six stars in the game modes. But getting excited to get one of the 24 base champs they are releasing say in march of next year and then not duping them until may of 2018 if I'm very very lucky. Then using a ton of resources to rank him when I'm still trying to max out a second five star champ is over the top to me.

    Guess really do need to wait to see how obtainable the t2a and t5b are. And also the ranking of six stars from one to two, two to three. But it doesn't look good.

    Again these are the SAME CHAMPS we are working super hard to get as five stars and possibly? without any features in there.
  • realiTicrealiTic Member Posts: 96
    6* are implemented to keep the high end players interested. And I am talking about top 3% who have multiple r45* nearly fully duped and have completed all end content. I wouldn't say the rest of us are angry but are more disappointed that it's going to take 2 years before we can open a 6* crystal. So this announcement is pretty meaningless for the rest of 97%.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    realiTic wrote: »
    6* are implemented to keep the high end players interested. And I am talking about top 3% who have multiple r45* nearly fully duped and have completed all end content. I wouldn't say the rest of us are angry but are more disappointed that it's going to take 2 years before we can open a 6* crystal. So this announcement is pretty meaningless for the rest of 97%.

    Everyone, including the top players say they don't want 6*
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    realiTic wrote: »
    6* are implemented to keep the high end players interested. And I am talking about top 3% who have multiple r45* nearly fully duped and have completed all end content. I wouldn't say the rest of us are angry but are more disappointed that it's going to take 2 years before we can open a 6* crystal. So this announcement is pretty meaningless for the rest of 97%.

    I've seen plenty of the high end players say this 6* concept is useless and a cash grab at best. Doubt the top % are excited.
  • realiTicrealiTic Member Posts: 96
    wray1976 wrote: »
    realiTic wrote: »
    6* are implemented to keep the high end players interested. And I am talking about top 3% who have multiple r45* nearly fully duped and have completed all end content. I wouldn't say the rest of us are angry but are more disappointed that it's going to take 2 years before we can open a 6* crystal. So this announcement is pretty meaningless for the rest of 97%.

    I've seen plenty of the high end players say this 6* concept is useless and a cash grab at best. Doubt the top % are excited.

    Agree on the cash grab part. It's very likely we will see 6*s in 5.4.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    I think people are more annoyed at the fact that there are so many issues with the game not being addressed why role out more stuff to create more issues. Why not fix the "bugs" and then role out new champs that will be useable. I would love to have reliable blocks, parry, and evade features.

    This is all very true.
  • WrongswordWrongsword Member Posts: 39
    Lvernon15 wrote: »
    I have no idea whatsoever at why the community does not like the idea of more content and new ways to progress, I don’t think 4* champs will be obsolete for at least another year as 6* champs will be very hard to find, and it is speeding up progression for new and progressing players, I don’t know why we are annoyed at the idea, and I want to know why, because 4* champs will be usefull for those that need them 5* champs will be useful for those that need them, it is just giving us more options and more game design options, yet we are annoyed at this why????

    The short answer is that people invested lots of time and money into champions that are going to be useless.

    One of the ideas floating around that would solve a lot of this is making max rank 5*s upgrade into 6* champs. That would allow Kabam to keep pushing progression while still allowing all the time and investment players made into their 5* rosters to remain meaningful.

    Marvel Future Fight (owned by the same company now, Netmarble) has that type of progression. They do it starting at 1* for all champs, I wouldn't mind if the system started at 5* for MCOC
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Read the actual 6* discussion thread and you'll get more reasons than you could imagine
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Lvernon15 wrote: »
    I have no idea whatsoever at why the community does not like the idea of more content and new ways to progress, I don’t think 4* champs will be obsolete for at least another year as 6* champs will be very hard to find, and it is speeding up progression for new and progressing players, I don’t know why we are annoyed at the idea, and I want to know why, because 4* champs will be usefull for those that need them 5* champs will be useful for those that need them, it is just giving us more options and more game design options, yet we are annoyed at this why????

    I'm not angry, speak for yourself.
  • _slippery_pete1_slippery_pete1 Member Posts: 82
    Imo. I think they should stop all this adding new content and give us a game that works properly. If they would just listen to what the ppl want instead of ignoring us and thinking we want more content the community would be a lot happier. A game without so many bugs is what they should be focusing on. Not a game full of bug and just shrugging them off and adding more to it. I do want more content of course. Howere before that i would like a game thats running a lot better then what it is now. Fix and then add. Not ignore and add. Thats the way to go kabam.
  • Drummer829Drummer829 Member Posts: 105
    It's too soon. 5☆s have not been out that long and the gulf between the higher players and the average player keeps getting wider. The top players (and myself) feel that this is kind of a punch in the crotch as it essentially invalidates a lot of the work we did already to build up what we had and now the cycle resets and we're expected to do this all over again. 6☆s would have been a better suggestion another year or two out instead of so soon. With all the bugs and "lag" (umbrella term for a wide variety of performance issues) and still not having things like cough, cough, feels like a cheap money grab and NOT something for the players.

    They use the word "content" to sidestep the real issue, their track record says that there will be no real new content but just a slight variation of what we already do ad nauseam today. Yes, they have added some new "content" to the game in the last year but how NEW is it really? It's just a rehash of the same stuff we'd already been doing but with a minor twist. There really hasn't been any truly NEW content since they released alliance wars. I can spell my name 6 different ways and it's still pronounced the same and sounds no different to the listener, that is more or less what they've been doing after war came out, the same stuff spun differently.

    Now, one counter to that argument is act 5, that actually has been a pleasamt surprise with the new effects and such truly making for a different playing experience, and was mimicked in the spiderman challenge as well with the degen and health recovery by making damage. That's the kind of ingenuity that will keep people coming back and should be lauded, even if it sometimes makes you want to throw your phone/tablet across the room at times. Just adding another star and making the numbers bigger is perhaps the least imaginative way to stretch out the life of the game. Many players talking about leaving or complaining about this announcement are well versed in the history of kabam's practices and I honestly can't blame them for seeing this as an opportunity to get out, as this makes a player feel more like they are on a merry go round instead of traveling to a destination. I feel really bad for newer players as this kind of stuff puts them off from even digging into the content and growing as the progression is so slow, and the goalposts keep moving further away...almost over the horizon.

    For reference, I'm a 447k rated player and have completed all the content except for labyrinth (I have no desire to spend 5000+ units to complete it just the first time, let alone 100% it) and while I have beaten act 5.2 I'm not yet 100% (I'm looking at you 5.2.4).

    Right now, with the information we have, it just sounds like kabam is offering a new speaker that just goes to 11, and doesn't really offer anything NEW to the experience (I'm sure 6☆s will have some special quirk like 5☆s do with their special 3s, but it's still the same champs you're used to). Factor in that it's going to be even tougher to dupe a 6☆ than it is now for a 5☆ and it adds to the frustration as you're now playing with a degraded experience because of the progress curve again, because many champs aren't that great unless duped. Finally, I'm not looking forward to another rhino, or hulkbuster, or iron patriot either, becuase you know the majority of your pulls are going to be 'meh'.

    I sincerely hope that our fears are unfounded, but we've been let down too many times to spare the energy of excitement for this announcement as most of the time it's underwhelming in practice, and kabam usually oversells what they are offering with superlative language that the product doesn't quite back up.

    Alright, end of rant...

    Amen! Another problem is that they introduced a bunch of cruddy 5* champs and are just now finally giving us better ones. Look how many people's best 5* champ is a frickin IP. There were very few 5* champs that were actually worthy of taking to 4/5. I was lucky and duped my drax, but I also have a duped IP and IM who are almost useless. it's also difficult to dupe a 5*, so even good champs like magik and SL aren't at the god tier until you dupe them.
  • Kratos_da_ChefKratos_da_Chef Member Posts: 11
    I think 6* are coming so quick and out of the blue with us having to share high end resources across 3 different champion tiers (excuse the run) is not coincidence. I believe something along the lines of gear was coming and we were so against it that they already had plans going forward with it that they had to replace it with something else "exciting and new." The materials to rank 4* to rank 5 were rare but existed in the game and for a long time at that. I find it odd that everything is being rolled out on top of each other so quickly this go around. 5 stars have been here for 2 years just about and put behind a ceiling purposely until kabam bust through it like the koolaid man with the missing pieces for everyone but with this announcement as a caveat. That's why everyone is upset. They moved the bar again before we could get under the limbo line. We all ran into each other's behind because the line stopped abruptly. I think 6* are a plan B or C to something we spit on and that's why this is so weird.
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    Six stars are a joke and very lazy designing on kabams part
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    I can't speak for everyone else (and holy moly this thread is getting long), but I think the reason most people don't like the 6 star idea is just because of the timing.

    We all expected 6 stars later down the line, but for the time invested in 5 stars and people still building their rosters we thought there would be a lot of other content that would come first.

    For example, for me personally I thought they would release the rest of act 5, add some new features, character customization etc and then do 6 stars another year after that.

    The other issue I have with it is that 6 stars do not add anything to the game. Same characters, just higher stats. They don't technically add new content, they just make the same content more difficult. What people really want is new things to sink their teeth into. Some bigger features than just adding stats and star numbers to characters.

    So, that's why the frustration among the player-base.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I could care less about 6 was bound to happen. I just want the game to work better and for the moderators to actually communicate with us. Recently they've closed threads down responding with answers that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread. Almost like it came from their customer service staff. I just shake my head.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    The fact that its been said 6*s will be in the game before we can get them, more less rank them up, is just proof that its a cash grab. They will have more BS nodes like in 5.2 that will be in 5.4. Kabam Mike said the other day that we wouldn't see them in 5.3 but i have my doubts seeing as past statements have been false. They will start popping up in monthly events too Mike said. I would guess that's the reason for the current increase in rewards for monthly events because there's no way kabam just does things to benefit the player. There's always a catch.
  • FthewiggFthewigg Member Posts: 104
    realiTic wrote: »
    6* are implemented to keep the high end players interested. And I am talking about top 3% who have multiple r45* nearly fully duped and have completed all end content. I wouldn't say the rest of us are angry but are more disappointed that it's going to take 2 years before we can open a 6* crystal. So this announcement is pretty meaningless for the rest of 97%.

    Bingo. All those whales sitting on mountains of t4c crystals, yeah, this is targeted at them.
  • Billybob1971Billybob1971 Member Posts: 113
    edited August 2017
    The top players are also probably all top spenders aswell so you have to keep them happy and offer content they can try to get next. The game is split into three games now. I am in the bottom tier or relative newcomers for whom getting a 5*is a dream and a 4* a relative rarity. Then the guys who can bait, infinite streak and compete in wars and get decent alliance results, then the aliens.

    So this is largely irrelevant to me.

    The game has millions of players, some still with 1 3* after a week, some with 250 characters and fully duped guys.

    How you make a game appeal to both is trick. Netherrealm can't do it with their games, but I think kabam do a decent job, they just offer numerous ways for noobs, normals and aliens to compete and they rarely cross swords other than in wars, and that is coz of poor matchmaking, not choice
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    People keep talking about the top players being happy for this or needing 6*. They keep saying they aren't happy about it. Basically there was still much more time they wanted with 5*.
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