Corvus Glaive Damage Issue

Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
I recently pulled a 6* corvus and took him to rank 2. Not an experienced Corvus user but been running the monthly EQ today and noticed his damage isn’t increasing with charges. It is staying constant no matter how many I have. The medium hit damage is always between 4 and 4.5k. Anyone else notice this?


  • PachPach Member Posts: 131
    No show proof plz
    My 5/65 is normal if it’s against man thing it’s because he can’t do extra damage in Crits even with charges
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    EQ 3.2. You can see there is. It much difference between 1 and 3 charges. I will admit there is a difference from 0-1. You can see in last fight damage goes down on medium attacks.
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Fight 1
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Sorry photos won’t upload keep failing
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Attempt 2
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    If you’re uploading to the forums you need to give it time, there should be a light blue progress bar above the comment box.
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93

  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93

  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Ok that is the series of fights. Same quest path so same nodes in all fights. Just not seeing an increase in damage as my charges go from 1-3
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    What is the node. Mabye try to don’t aromer break that seems odd
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Yeah there's been weird stuff going on with his armor break forever. I cant put 2 on any of the aq fights infuse him on that have physical resistance bc it reduces his damage a ton for some ridiculous reason
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Yeah there's been weird stuff going on with his armor break forever. I cant put 2 on any of the aq fights infuse him on that have physical resistance bc it reduces his damage a ton for some ridiculous reason

    armor break with true strike on does not mean much if armor break does not remove all his armor.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    The damage ramp up should be up to 7k mediums or so - suicide dependent
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Lormif said:

    Yeah there's been weird stuff going on with his armor break forever. I cant put 2 on any of the aq fights infuse him on that have physical resistance bc it reduces his damage a ton for some ridiculous reason

    armor break with true strike on does not mean much if armor break does not remove all his armor.
    For one, its true damage unless you have the proxima synergy and mission. For two, I said that if I place a second armor break it actually REDUCES my damage further than if they had none on them let alone 1
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    It’s not node dependent. I noticed it on a path where I got to 4 charges and it wasn’t ramping up. So I did an entirely different path in same quest and recorded so I could see the damage wasn’t changing.
  • Saransh245Saransh245 Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2019

    I haven't encountered this yet. He's locked in aq map6 today. His damage is what it has always been. I use suicides as well. Maybe it's about something the quest you are doing.
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    The node on the path was Vigor so shouldn’t impact damage. Like I said I have only had him a short time and not sure what to expect. If this is normal, I am disappointed bc my other rank 5 hit just as hard with no ramp up. Always thought his damage was supposed to be exceptional but he is underwhelming right now.
  • Jpm14Jpm14 Member Posts: 38
    It happens when fighting beast when he is in second mode
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Beast isn’t in second mode with armor. The point of this post is if the damage I am seeing is typical of a rank 2 6* corvus. I am not sure what to expect only that I thought charges were very important. From what I am seeing it doesn’t seem to matter whether you have 1 or 4. Can someone weigh in and tell me if this is normal.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    2 after that u do not so anyone after words alest nofing big
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Beast does have increased physical resistance which may account for the drop in damage; but the pause menu description of True Damage says it ignores physical resistance although historically true damage only ignores armor. I think the pause menu description is in error.

    *Also here is a break down of CG’s damage based on charges.
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