Acne_Hotel22 ★
Which is why this is so bad, the people who do want or need it can't get it and the people who don't care a lot about it can't, I agree with badah if you see his comment.
So you just have to get very lucky, wow I never though of that. You shouldn't need luck to get rewards when there getting rid of something like AW for a month, and your also 100k points off of even starting to get the rewards there talking about. These rewards are a joke.
You know most players don't or can't get vibranium. Plus if you read everything I had said you can see I talk about how matchmaking started putting me up against paragons the second I hit platinum 2 even though I'm a cav player, and it isn't just me from who I've talked to inside global chat it seems to always happen that…
Currently at least for me battlegrounds is unplayable. I saw someone talking about compensation but I really wanna know if it's confirmed
I don't see how anything in that megathread answers my question, unless I'm missing it.