Aden24flash ★
Lets not forget the bs going on throughout..AI and modders being allowed rampant and not a dam kabam addressing this.
Yeah. They will open and close and run with our money. Lol
Im done spending a cent in this game!!!
Thats apparently is seeing this, listens or gives a dam. Same as last year. Is called insanity.
Not including the always reocurring bugs. What a shame for a company to be so inept.
100 percent!!!!
What a massive disconnect with your customers. What a massive disappointing event. A business doesnt last long with this ineptitude. And the excuse, yeah we had this and that for the 10 year célébration and to then put 7 star crystals that for the most are done . Whos running this circuit?
I have tried multiple combinations and thx for help. But is ridiculous. It almost feels like these are rigged while the ai goes back while you dash forward and or stuns while hitting their block. All kind of non sense. Just a fyi to kabam
Yes and other bs going on in incursions. Really shady obo kabam.
I find that Kabam can care less and less and we are working for free by finding the obvious. Smh
You and everyone know this has been an ongoing issue. Some spend more money than others, so why theres no plan at least? How much or many receipts Kabam needs? As a company, how is this good marketing? Customer svc? Transparent?
At this point IDC. You can ban me all you want. This AI and all modes are FUBAR. Ive never played a game that its developer is so ignorant to all these issues and fails to deliver its dam product. Is too much BS. Stop spending money on these fools!
So Kabam admits to their faulty issues and lackluster attention to this awful AI experience, yet cant address it right away? Yet, if is not convient to them, it gets looked at immediately? If i was doing this at my company, I'd be repreminded. Bad business model. After 10 years, im really looking to step away.
They collect asap though!
First time commenting here. Forgive my FRANKNESS, but whoever thought about this new system...they need to get back to drawing board. This is absurd that we have to grind more for less and it shows a lack of understanding with the very game "you" created. Thank you.