Allegro71 ★
I got the material necessary to become Valiant, so I can’t complain, but looking at the new (to me) store prices, the Superior crystals are now very underwhelming. In past years, I always got some wow factor for my account. This year I filled my inventory with rank up material. Useful? Yeah. Worth the 7500 units I spent?…
No, we have permanent pre-enlisting, but it suddenly dropped us to one group. And the fact that this season pays up one tier above is irrelevant. We had a real shot at Gold 2 which would have given us Gold 1 rewards. It’s no consolation that we’ll get Gold 2.
So the new war is correct, with 3 groups. The bug lasted two wars and annihilated our chances of being Gold 2. That really sucks.
Yeah, join us at SRT-1. No stress, no side messaging app: you play how you want.
I don’t care. You do you. :-)
Your alliance is set as by request. I think you’ll need to invite allegro71
What’s yours? It doesn’t have to be my alliance. I could join yours if you want.