Amish666 ★
cant add. your friend list is full. P4/AQmap5. no line ign: amish666
We do map5 for easy glory. Plat4 AW. We ways try and do our best with low deaths. But no line required so we don't hassle people as long as they help out and be active. Spot will be opening up today Sent you a friend request in game. Amish666
need 1-2
Hey we do AQ m4 w mods and m3 w mods. Aw silver1/g3 3 bgs No line. Just help out and nobody bothers you. In-game: amish666
Hey we are S1/G3 ally. do 3bgs AW/AQ AQ map4 w mods no line/discord just do your part and nobody hassles you ingame: amish666
Need 1 more
In-Game Name: amish666 Device and Model: pixel 3xl Device Operating System: latest update Game Version Installed: Latest Game Mode: AQ Description of the Issue: freezing. In middle of combo game froze. when it started again i was KOd. Another time. Won fight then in fight summary page game crashed. when i went back in…
Silver1/gold3 ally needs 1. join all AW,AQ. no line
hey. we are silver1(bounce to G3 sometimes). And do AQ(map4 w/mods). 3BGs for AW and AQ. Active but no line/discord. Dont hassle ppl as long as they help out.. in game: amish666
Need 1 more. Must be active.
silver1 ally. we do 3bgs AQ, AW. want active people. sent you a friend request in game
still can use 1 more
Hi- Silver1 ally. We need 1 for AQ map 3/4 and AW. No line. just in game chat. Sent you invite/friend request already
sent an invite in case you are interested
ok. we would want somebody for all aq and at least place good defenders for aw. but if your not into that its cool.
you looking to actually be active in ally? join most all aw, aq?
Have a spot open. Silver ally. We do all AW and AQ. 3 BGs each. If somebody misses one here and there its OK. Prefer people at least placed defenders in War even if they can play on attack. AQ usually do map4 so it doesnt take much effort. But will be doing map5 sometimes. No line needed. Just in game chat. if interested…
What's your in game name? We have spot in silver 2 ally. No line.
Thanks. Will R2 OML for now and see who I pull next time before going further. Mordo is actually pretty good but all my mystic resources are going into Doom, BWCV