Awawag ★
Cavalier Cast and Crew crystal has old drop rates. Wonder if this was intentional since it only costs 2k shards instead of the usual 4k.
Shang-Chi #12DaysofMCoC #sweepstakesentry
If they actually evened out the distribution, then yes, I would agree that it's more beneficial. I think the main problem here is that the gold crystals are not paid crystals, hence, they are under no obligation to disclose the drops rates. They could've evened out the distribution, or they could've skewed it even more and…
There are 2 ways to do this 30% boost: 1) Flat 30% increase to each outcome to increase expected value by 30% 2) Increase expected value by 30% by changing the outcomes and/or rate of each outcome Let's take a look a what each of those means with a simple (albeit extreme) example: I have no idea what the actual numbers are…
This is worse because in a game where so much is RNG based (champions, signature stones, awakening gems, etc.), we would like gold, a simple basic resource, to not be. The old 20% gold boost was a guaranteed boost, I know exactly what I'm going to get -- 20% more than what I would get without the boost, nice and simple. It…
In the original announcement it said it'll be live at around 10am PST on December10th, but please wait for confirmation, so I'd say wait for an in-game message before you open them. Here's the post if anyone wants to check it out:…
UC offers are 1) 5* Nexus 2) 5* rank up(1->2) gem 3) 5* rank up (2->3) gem 4) 5* AG crystal
I don't think the issue was the arena being unavailable to players below uncollected. My friends and I started the game recently, we are all below uncollected and were able to access that arena on May 20. The issue was none of us received rank rewards until 72 hours later. Seems like the problems still persists because we…
Same here. I did not receive the rank reward for the previous summoner trial that ended on May23 until 72 hours later. I contacted support for that and they said they were aware of the situation. So whatever bug that was causing the issue has obviously not been fixed yet.
Thanks for the comments! I read that Omega is awesome once you unlock suicide masteries, but I'm nowhere near unlocking that with my current mastery points. Is he still a viable option without?
One more post for the little guys in this new arena format. Just received this response when I inquired about brackets in the new Summoner Trials. Beginner and Intermediate brackets no longer exist. This means that as a new player, you are no longer able to build up your roster through arena like before. I was lucky that I…
Everyone is talking about the new 6* arenas, which is great, but I want to speak up for the little guys as well. I personally have not yet made it to uncollected. I play arena to collect units and shards to improve my roster, but this change has made it harder to do so. There are no 5* shards in summoner trials, AT ALL!…