
  • The new arena sucks. It has ENORMOUS milestones with the same unit rewards as before. And worst of all now there are only 3 arenas. As a f2p player how tf am i supposed to hoard up my units now. This arena format only rewards whales with stacked rosters smfh. I'm out here fighting for 6stars arena points with my 4stars.…
  • Dr. Doom Blade Mysterio Daken Beta Ray Bill Black Cat Kitty Pryde Jubilee Emma Frost Omega Red Taskmaster Nick Fury America Chavez Iron Heart Ares Hercules Bishop Sabretooth Lady Deathstrike Sif Captain Britain Century Amadeus Cho Viper Toad Deathlok Mystique Sebastian Shaw Diamondback Fin Fang Foom Forge Mockingbird…
  • Dr. Doom Blade Mysterio Daken Beta Ray Bill Black Cat Kitty Pryde Jubilee Emma Frost Omega Red Taskmaster Nick Fury America Chavez Iron Heart Ares Hercules Bishop Sabretooth Lady Deathstrike Sif Captain Britain Century Amadeus Cho Viper Toad Deathlok Mystique Sebastian Shaw Diamondback Fin Fang Foom Forge Mockingbird…