
  • Welcome to the new moderator @KabamDORK. It's very difficult to do a job when your predecessor left the bar so high, but if you were appointed, you're definitely the right person. Just one thing: shouldn't your publications be in orange so we can easily locate them? It helps me a lot to find 'official' answers on some…
  • Olá, @peixemacaco. Nesses casos é mais singelo apagar o aplicativo já instalado no celular e descarregar a seguir a nova versão. Isto é assim em parte porque o MCOC armazena dados no caché do seu dispositivo (ícones, previsualização de imagens e outros diversos ficheiros) que ocupam espaço disponível. Portanto, ao apagar…
  • Hello @obsidiman @Captain_rogers. The truth is, I think that no "official" site mentions the "global noob", but it is a fact that it exists. You can see for yourself by creating an alternative account now. When you enter the global (I think you must be level 4 or have created a summoner name), you will see that ALL the…
  • Thank you very much, my friends. Red Guardian had already been buffed the last time I played. So, I need to practice with NightCrawler, Gladiator, Mr. Sinister and keep an eye out for Superior Iron Man soon. Thank you very much.
  • When your main account is banned on iOS, you must: 1) Delete the game. 2) Log out of Gamecenter. 3) Sign out of your iTunes account and sign in with a new one. 4) Reinstall the game. 5) Don't cheat anymore.
  • The game is definitely great and moving in the right direction. I say this as an average level veteran player, staking in Act 7 and as a Thronebreaker, who only plays FTP without goals and with the sole objective of distracting myself and having a good time. From this perspective, it seems to me that: - The Banquet event…
  • Wow, @Magrailothos! Your proposal is, without a doubt, much more complete (and ambitious) than what I had proposed. It's clear that you know what you're talking about and that you love the character. I don't know much about Luke's comic, but in the series (I stayed on season 1 and didn't watch The Defenders) he doesn't…
  • @Rookiie What is the problem with DDHK? I think Kabam did a good job when he reworked it (and later fixed the damage scalability issues). He is a character who went from useless to useful, without being top or breaking the game. He is pleasant to play and interesting in some game modes and a good counter against characters…
  • Indeed @SummonerNR , the translation of Marvel comics into different languages in some cases has an imaginative solution. In Quicksilver yes, I think it has definitely played with classic mythology. And as in other translations or creative adaptations, they have screwed up, since in the Marvel universe there already exists…
  • Photon has been a pleasant surprise in this game. An easy character to use, very useful and very good.
  • I have the same problem with my secondary account. Yesterday I logged in and the login calendar for the game's anniversary did not appear. The weekly and monthly calendar does appear. The account has finished Act 2.
  • @Ingestevez77 Hi, guy, That's the spanish forum. See later.