Bigramrod69 ★
Thanks everyone. I went with Kate, and no regrets, she’s awesome!
I was thinking thinking Nimrod or BWCV
Will a 7 star Titania work?
Lmao. Yep just for 50 dust. SMH. This is an overt cash grab if I’ve ever seen one.
Battle grounds should be open to all players at every level. To say Proven players can’t play battlegrounds, I say why not? Anything is possible, and gotta do something about the whale accounts taking all the wins, put them in their own bracket, or based bracket placement based on ones roaster, I will say again, lower tier…
When is Kabam going to introduce Brackets in Battlegrounds? Proven accounts have no business going up against Thronebreaker/Paragon accounts, it’s almost impossible to build wins when everyone is thrown into a melting pot, obviously Thronebreaker/Paragon players will take the majority of wins
How about they make side events that help players along, if they are going to make the items in the caps commissary store so expensive, at least give out a couple milestone rewards too
No I am mad that spending your resources gets you barely no milestone bonuses
Thanks I did not know you can use them to rerun the rewards
@ahmynuts not what I am talking about, I mean Fury rating dropped after I initially ranked him up, from 15,100 to 14,600. I have him at rank 3 10/55 and he’s still not at the rating he was initially at max rank 2, even though he is currently rank 3 10/55 atm
Hello. Is anyone else having trouble claiming the Mojo compensation rewards? Every time I hit the claim tab the game freezes, I’ve had to restart twice now
Kabam sees this post, why ain’t they reaching out?
I mean apocalypse synergy, not colossus lol
I've never had to before
Here is my 6*
Also all my 6* besides howard the duck is unawakened lol
I was leaning towards torch, but he ain't awakened
I have invested so much into omega red, I got everything for him except the suicides, sabertooth and colossus synergy and a high sig level. For ghost, she's awakened thats it, no synergies, I am cavalier and also trying to complete act 6 chapter 1
I think I will go with omega, I would probably go with colossus also, but mine is unawakened so probably omega, I will r4 colossus and work on r5 him when I awaken him. We both seem to be having the same issue with ghost, I have no synergies with her, if I had a 5* wasp it would be a different story, but she has evaded me…
I am on the outside when it comes to ghost as well, it took me practice to be able to play quake correctly, she has been my go to champ for biohazard node. My colossus is 5* r3 unawakened, I can take him to r4 and omega to r5, omega has been an very useful at r4, I am trying to focus on maxing out a 5* in each class before…
I also kinda wanted to max out magik also, these are the maxed out 5* I have, I need a tech or a mutant