Blaz1ng_3ch0 ★
We currently have 1 spot open, have a look if it sounds like your spot! We run aq map, 5, 5, 4. War currently gold 3. Very active, friendly alliance. Line for communication. If intrested, contact: Line: Zaxoden My in game name: Blazing Echo Alliance: Fire strike Thanks!
2 spots open...
Hi, I sent you a friend request. We are running map 5, 4 and 3, we are AQ focused but do run AW as well. Alliance: Fire strike IGN: Blazing Echo Line: Zaxoden
Lol, yeah I'm doing recruitment for the main again. Glad to see you guys, hope you are doing well😃
Still looking😃
I sent you a friend request. We're AQ focused, currently doing map5, 4 and 3
3 Spots left...
4 Spots open...
5 spots open!!!😃
Hi, not exactly sure how the auto placement works. But, you can't just rely on it. You have to go out and do recruitment. I know recruitment isn't really fun but, we all have to do it to make our alliances work. You have to go on global chat, recruitment on the forums, etc. There are always new players but, half of the…
I sent you a friend request
8 spots open
Looking again. Pm me please
One open spot :smiley:
We are currently full but, we will have one spot open later
Sent you an invite :)
Thanks, invite sent :)
3 spots open
What's your in game name? Let's talk. I can handle map 4 just a bit rusty considering i've been doing map 2 lol.
What's your in game name? And is a communication app needed?
I would also like to see this happen. It would be great to put in use those 2 stars and 3 stars we hardly ever use. Awesome idea :smiley:
@rockon. remember this is a suggestion for all people, not all people who have a game leadership role do not have the right mindset to handle other people. especially when anyone can play the game. If the officers don't have the mindset simply tell the leader your problems. Officers can be demoted, the leader won't know if…
6 spots open
Need about 7 more.... Pm me
On another note some people will rate them unfairly, maybe because they have a grudge or something. Please keep that in mind. It won't be fair to the officers and leader even if they are doing a good job
That will be a bit unfair considering you don't know everything the leader or officers are doing. Some do take it seriously, if you can't handle it, join another alliance. If you really have problems tell them or talk in the alliance chat
Thanks all! We are now full
1 spot left....
3 open spots... pm me