BlindKnight ★
yes still looking! find me in line: 1maxq
sorry we’re full!
Still looking for 1 more!! Preferably US-relevant time zones (but we do have some folks in England!)
Friend request sent - we have what you're looking for in spades. IGN: MD PhD
In-game friend invites sent! I'm an officer in a 15mil, 24-person alliance that's rebuilding back to 30 (we had a lot of players retire recently heading into summer). We're a chill alliance of people who love marvel and the game, but real life always comes first! We have no event minimums. We are running map 5/4 or 5/3/3…
In-game friend invites sent! I'm an officer in a 15mil, 24-person alliance that's rebuilding back to 30 (we had a lot of players retire recently heading into summer). We're a chill alliance of people who love marvel and the game, but real life always comes first! We have no event minimums. We are running map 5/4 or 5/3/3…
In-game friend invites sent! I'm an officer in a 15mil, 24-person alliance that's rebuilding back to 30 (we had a lot of players retire recently heading into summer). We're a chill alliance of people who love marvel and the game, but real life always comes first! We have no event minimums. We are running map 5/4 or 5/3/3…
Bump! We also have room for up to 6 folks - so bring a friend or two!
in-game friend request sent from "MD PhD" hit me up on line (1maxq) and we can chat! i think we have what you need to grow really quickly.
Hey! We're a relaxed alliance who does AQ 5/4/3 over the summer, and will be back to 5/5/4 in the fall. Gold 2. No "required" donations (only "suggested"). We'd never kick someone in favor of a "higher ranked" player - we're in it for the fun and camaradery. Look me up: Line ID: 1maxq In-Game: MD PhD In-Game Ally Tag:…
Check us out: 5280T. We run map 5-4-3 or 5-5-3 when we are at 30 members. 5/3/3 when we're not (which right now we're rebuilding after some people retire). We're solid Gold 2 alliance, but slipped to Gold 3 this past season due to some turnover. No minimums - only "suggested" donations. In game: "MD PhD" Line: 1maxq
hit me up in game: blind knight. line: 1maxq i think we have what you're looking for. G2 war, alternating map 2 and 3-5.
1maxq on line. i think we could be a match. gold2 war. map 5 week followed by map 2 week. donations recommended, not required. alliance tag 5280T
perfect match. hit me up line id 1maxq. gold 2, only 2 BG. we quest daily. alternating map 2 and map 5 week by week. alliance tag 5280T
gold 2, tier 5. AQ between 2 and 4/5. donations recommended but not required. line ID 1maxq
friend request sent. also on line: 1maxq.
line id: 1maxq 10mil alliance gold 2 war, daily AQ alternating map 2 and map 5 weeks. recommended but not required donations (we’re chill about it). alliance tag 5280T
hit me up on line 1maxq
in game invite sent. couldn’t find you on Line using that ID. my line id is 1maxq. check out our alliance.
in-game request sent. find me on line: ID: 1maxq (screen name: BK) in game: blind knight
in-game friend request sent. line id: 1maxq (screen name bk) in game name: blind knight
message sent. we have two spots available. in game alliance tag: [5280T]. line id 1maxq
friended in game. check out tag: 5280T.
hey look up our alliance with tag 5280T in game. we’re gold 2 and run the war and maps you like. donations are recommended but NOT required. no one ever gets on each others case about performance or donations - it’s about having fun! i’ll friend you in game as well. my line id 1maxq
gold2 AW, 24-person ally 9.6M, building back to 30-person. tag: 5280T line: 1maxq
check out tag 5280T in game. i sent a friend request in game as well. also on line: 1maxq