@XxOriginalxX @cx23433 @Primmer I was going through my photos and found it!!!
@XxOriginalxX it’s an old account
@Jamiefyffe16 I have got the t5b once and have had nothing other than 250 5* shards and 1000 t2a
Did it with 3* 3 30s and 4 40s the initial clear
I’m also F2P
@Rap map 5 AQ and godly luck
@Rap from legendary cinematic crystal thanks to GPGTTM
@King363672 is GP worth generic?
You are having a giggle
@Championcritic should I go for trinity + Fragoroc and Hulk then?
@Championcritic yes
Your friendly neibourhood spidergwen 😉 but seriously Kitty Pryde
@Championcritic Hulk rag or classic have both, worth r5 4* for collector?
It’s gonna happen at least once
@DrZola I could take her straight to dupe level 99 but same with blade
@BeginthEnd thanks, took up ultron
U needed to ask????
@Amateur_Hour are you a US citizen?
9991 shards
Our house by Monster
I took down maestro with my 2 and a half month old account yesterday morning
All about that F2P 4TW Life
Now he’s all grown up
Thanks all
@1haunted_memory why her???
@1haunted_memory yes, should I use the generic on him, AA, Hood or Domino?