Bosley ★★★
Much less value in 7 stars since 8 stars will be here in 4-6 months :#
Less compounding or stacking of multiple nodes. This produces the same affect as using gates to limit champ options (like the year tags in the side quest this month. Not a fan)......
I doubt we'll get any new relics. KABAM doesn't seem to make enough on them to justify the expense......
Not even close to getting there
I explore TB 100%. Skip Paragon totally. Completion for units on the rest. Every month I can.
I genuinely hope this happens. Forcing people to quit would be good for them (me included).......
Everything about this event would have been bad on a normal year. But to have this drop on the 10th anniversary makes it feel that much worse. After 10 years of watching and learning(?) this is what KABAM give us? Such a deflating and underwhelming experience.......
Very little in the menu screens is formatted correctly these days.......
Well that's really stupid.....
Give them to me :D :p
Now it's time to see how much of our feedback they don't listen to :neutral:
Level 5 items will only be available with percent based health pots & revives, if they ever appear at all. It will be behind a huge pay wall cause that's all KABAM cares about......
This game has been pay to win for awhile now. It's impossible to acquire the same resources and attain the same level without spending real money. Many Youtubers have commented on it over the years. It is getting much worse, but the problem has always been there.
So much lag because the stupid number of nodes and interactions that devices (and players) have to keep up with.
It's much better (more straightforward and less restrictive) than this months EQ so I like it.....
KABAM tried shining up this turd of a game with the 60fps trying to make us forget what was still underneath. A turd in the form of some of the worst AI we've had. It's 'working as intended' from their point of view or they would've changed it already....... :|
Fair AI and less of a bombardment of nodes on each defender......
"Cheap feeling AI and gameplay".... Well said. That is exactly what KABAM is resorting too. And has been for months, if not years.
And people say this game isn't pay to win lolol :D
Are we talking just for BGs? Cause you're all forgetting Juggernaut, Sorcerer Supreme, Wiccan, and several others if you're not.
When the devices start lagging cause of the number of nodes and their interactions that's the sign that it's become too much for everyone. Can you not see thatKABA? Are we your only pre-release content testers? :|
Answer to OP: No
Unstoppable buffs or passives makes a huge difference. If they're buffs then anyone that nullifies. I still love Sym Supreme for this......
Some great feedback and suggestions that KABAM will sadly never listen to......
Another day, another ghosting….
Better is a relative term. Better over all or better for a type of specific content?
Absolutely. He was one of my first 5 stars so I got used to using him ever since. Yes he’s a bit squishy but I like champs that rely on player skill and not gimmicks to be strong….
I will not be “forced” to use valuable resources on champs that have zero utility in all other parts of the game (excluding arena).
I learned from Homer Simpson at a young age “…. you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try”.