Bossmode12 ★
Like this.. I know she does have a miss mechanic but it’s happening constantly to me against all defenders.
She was starting the fight unstoppable for me, and it was permanent. Tried 5-6 times. Couldn’t think of a champ that gets instant slow. Then I brought BRB. Dashed back and thru a heavy to get the grit. Proceeded to hit her 200 times without all that much damage and eventually died. Next fight I brought a new champ and the…
Same with me and my two running mates. We just finished a few minutes ago.
Tempting but not worth the ban
I realize the rewards are not good. But kind of lame that I don’t get them regardless.
Happened a ton last week, this week only a few times. My champ is also running forward and attacking on its own. Sometimes it actually lands a hit even lol.
I entered because i just opened 3 relics and needed to use expiring resources.
lol. I know the difference. This happened during my next couple wars as well. I have to enter, back out, and spectate again and I see the true defense.
Yep. Just use all your resources.
This means nothing. 75% more than how many prior? You haven’t banned the cheaters I have reported. I offered screenshots to no reply.
I opened over 100 and no quicksilver or wiccan. i had profx at natural sig 200 before this crystal and pulled him 12-14 times lol. I have a lot of 7* shards i guess.
*with light attacks*
@solopolo Only if you do it 5 times. We’ve always been able to hit into the block
Also when using valkyrie, or anyone really, after hitting into the block I cannot dash back. I get hit every time like you would expect if you threw 5 hits into the block.
I really like the game. When it works. But since the latest update it’s completely busted
It seems impossible to punish the ai’s missed specials now too. Dexing a special used to provide an opening to hit the defender. Now you get punished for it.
Since the last update I honestly think the inputs were nerfed and the AI was buffed.
It’s way beyond parry/dex. I can’t even throw a heavy or special. Let alone a 5 hit combo. Also I’ll stun the defender, start a 5 hit combo but somehow they hit me with a special in the middle of it.
It’s honestly worse than ever.
This bug hit me this morning as well.
The RNG of this game is making me say goodbye. Well that and the lack of inputs. I have profx 6* at sig 200 before the current featured. I’ve pulled him 7 times now. I have also pulled 7 consecutive 6* skill awakening gems. I’m done. I literally hate it. 50+ 6* features and iI can’t pull any features.
Guess what AG I got from the Odin ? @kabamjax
I just explored chapter 8. You’ll never guess what awakening gem i got. This is a fuc$ing joke.
I would love to use them…Nobody to use it on. Maybe Valkyrie if I get her from the next featured.
I just spent 500 units and still in phase 2. I cant get her in the invisible trap. Such bs
Thanks @"Kabam Miike"
Just did two more matches and did not receive points for those either. Locked at 25.
I did use them @OGAvenger