Bullfighter77 ★
Magik can nullfiy heal,i know someone who used 5/50 gp for wolvie. Or just keep reviving her if you can good luck.
I counter Mesmerize with Mordo cus he has astral evasion.
Nighcrawler is a monster with aw defense,but since void is unduped he is not worth. For void to be really good he needs to be awakened and high sig level
@beyonder8421 true there aren't many people but there are people with a team of 6*'s.
@The_One go on youtube an search verygoot mcoc. He shows how he gets his points
I think you do because you didn't win the fight .
I know how you feel. Recently my allaince was paired up with another one that was CRAZY strong. We lost. :(
If you have Mordo use his special two. That reduces healing by 70%,i think. But still use his special 2 then special 1. Besides his power should help
That happened to me too. I paused in the middle of a fight then went back it was better
Mine is Bullfighter77
Whats your In-game name
He has good synergies
I would love to see Mysterio and Dark Phoenix. I know Jessica Jones was involved in the game a couple of years ago but I wish she was a playable character. Also Red Skull would be nice.
Even with map 3 crystals ive gotten T1 alpahs
Take in account the rules of your alliance and if you have a strike system. If you do have a strike system just give them a strike
Go for hulk
Which arena crystal. You uncollected or no
Either go arena or hope for the best
Thanos was a very exclusive character like Kang and once they come they never come back
Just become uncollected and you'll get a grandmaster crystal every 2 weeks
At least to rank 2. Either way if u grind arena you get more points
3*s aint useless, a 3* guilly can take down wolvie in ROL,even a 2* can do it
@Shaaz srry for late response but yes you do fit the requirments
@Captain_Maim is right. 3* Medusa Cutoff is at least 1.5 mill. If you ever heard olf a Youtuber called BrianGrant watch his streams. He put's an estimated cutoff of each arena.
Take Guillitine to r5. I have her duped as a 4/40 and she's a BEAST!!
Guillotine will get you out of an eternitu fight wilth Wolvie
That Tenacity and Klyntar rage is very usefull so AV is usefull
Try to spam gully sp2