Time zone test
I ended up putting up 3 mil instead of skipping like I planned. I’m really hoping it’s a Deadpool trick like has been done in the past. Maybe the greater arena boost crystal is really tons of shards or something of the like. I know... I’m a dreamer.
Device/Model: iPhone 6 Device OS: iOS 11.3 Cellular/WiFi: WiFi Game Version: 841728 Game Mode: All Description: Recently the game has started making my phone get hot and it starts to lag horribly. The lag also includes taps and swipes not registering. My wife has the same setup I do and is having the same issues. It’s…
No, but really only for one simple reason. Next season will be more Nodes! “We gave 30 minute timers like the community asked! Unfortunately it seems many of you were left unchallenged. So we’re doubling the amount of nodes to get to the boss! Isn’t that fun? Potions can be found in the store as always!” Doing map 5s takes…
It was stated by mods previously that they don't permenantly move to 30 min AQ timers because it is detrimental to some alliances. By their own logic, 30 minute timers is just further punishing us.
I scored 1.58 mil and it still says 7817 place. I'm gonna be upset if 1.58 gets fix it. Already have him duped....
I've hit the point of stale as well. I've completed everything I can without having a decent potion stash. (looking at you collector). Part of its my fault. Heroic and master are normally done within the first few days. I don't usually have the time/incentive to grind out a champ in arena, but hitting 1.6 mil helps alot.…
Thanks for explaining this as it is almost always skipped over. Back when I did RoL, it would have saved me a bunch of revives had I not had to figure it out the hard way. Always have wolvie at 100% life when taking Guilly in.
I'm learning to adapt quickly, his specials are really easy to evade, but was just trying to figure out if it was just me. I don't mind subtle tweaks I just wish they weren't under the radar. Although, I was trying to heavy attack through his block in power gain phase when he hit me with his l1. His powergain is going to…
There's a bug with mordo that you can only use a 4 hit combo. If you do 5, you can't block for the parry fast enough and get hit. I don't know about any evade bug he may or may not have, I don't really use him other than arena.
So I should run about 9-10 million just to be extra safe? I don't wanna miss him, I need him for my war defense team. He has a synergy with my OG captain America!
Hi GroundedWisdom. English isn't my first language and google doesn't recognize this word. What does Gokay mean?
Hi Groundedwisdom. Yes, he is good. Better if duped.
I got a 4* loki from one. All 3* otherwise. Only one other person in my alliance has ever gotten a 4* from the login crystal. So I count myself as lucky even if I only use him as arena fodder.
To add to it, you can receive warnings from the mods if you flag it and they don't feel it was spam or abuse. Or so I've heard. I wouldn't dare speak of actions that were or were not taken against my account. That would be a clear violation of the forum rules.
We always max it because it is easy shards. However,it has potential to be a little more fun. Rework the point system based on how hard the opponent is and amp up the rewards a bit. Would stop with the 4* rank 1 battles. Could even modify it for more points based on the prestige gap between you and your opponent. 2*…
I'm at 78% after fully exploring it. Good times!
I clicked Luke cage to be funny, but it won't let me change it. Oops. X23 followed closely by Quake which isn't on there...
Finished gold realm only to get robbed. Can I have my gold or 60 energy back please? Summoner appreciation.... Quit giving us stuff and just fix the game! That would truly show appreciation. We don't stay as some kind of favor to you guys, Kabam, or net marble. We stay because it's a fun game when it's working. The longer…
If you're going to include nebula, yondu should be included. MCU after all. Comics, agent venom should be included as well. Better question though, how are you going to include champs that aren't available in the GOTG crystal in the event to earn them. One or the other Kabam. Either one I'm good with.