Cerebrium ★
Haha people need to take responsibility for their own actions. They can choose not to upgrade this way. They can always wait until they acquire the same champions again in the future. If they choose to trade away a rare champ then it is just too bad. They only got themselves to blame as it is their own actions. There are…
I did say it was a trade-off lol 😜 It is decisions you made to get you where you want or not. By selling those stars you got your upgrades but now you missed out on other opportunities, exactly like the post said 🤣
Alright, to make everyone happy, maybe Kabam can just give everyone 20 x 7* nexus crystals already duped, maxed out and ascended as well 🎉🎉🎉 Wouldn’t that be cool? 😎 No more grinding, no more purchasing units, no more fighting, no challenges, no game of chance. Just pay and win 🥇 🤭
I think the rewards are great. You get some good rewards and some normal ones. But we received a boost to help increase some of our champions levels that would have taken months if not years. Also remember that “if everyone is a super hero, then no one one will be” 😁 So we are all receiving the same types of rewards then…
Oh yeah, I did not realise that was the old style too
Yep you are spot on. I had too many Mysterium and it popped up the store. I had to restart the game
All 4 one, and one 4 all 🤣
Are the prizes differ using those promo codes? As we are limited to only use 1. For me anyway. Got “You have reached the coupon redemption limit” Does anyone knows if this limit is forever 😰
And today, it looks like this 🤭
Yes got the same issue
Yeah same. Like a carrot on a stick 🤭
Just a glitch. Restart the game helped
It is empty in every tab
I was checking if there might be another event later on in the year that might give out another token or a web code that unlocks a reunion token by chance ☘️
Oh I fought Ultron, but it might have been Ultron Classic. Just forgot that there were variations sometimes 🙈
Shuri, Adam Warlock, Medusa, Spider Ham, CGR do not work in Story mode. I was not paying attention to star with, but then I started trying different modes. It does works in Arenas, but you cannot choose your opponents
I also noticed that my maxed out Despair is not being applied to the defender. So it must be ignoring it. Should despair be applied automatically during the fight?
I give up, it is impossible even with 7* 😣
And that last one I won because how ?
Here is a list of losses in a row 😟
Thank you all. They are all good options. Have the drop rates for class ISO-8 been decreased recently. Hardly find them any where these days
Thank you 😎
Just putting some patterns here to see if it sparks some ideas for someone. I just don’t get it #4 <=> 😊 #1<=> ☹️ #0 <=> 😊
There are 5^5 = 3125 possibilities as the same digit can be reused (repeat)
I think the five digit code is made up of: 0 1 4 5 7 As when you use any of them they change to one of those
I don’t get the hints. When I used it, it changed to another number. Currently, I have #4, #1, 😊, 🙁, #4 The smily face is 5 The sad face is 7 So Not 41574
This totally explains why I can never dex. I just cannot move my thumbs fast enough 😜