Clapper_of_Champions ★
Thanks for that, really interesting to hear actually. This problem happened to me before but was mostly visual, and for my hoarde of 4 star shards. Unfortunately though, they won't let me get help either, I switched from Apple to Android, so some of the security questions they're asking me like my first purchase (on an 8…
Yeah its probably rare, or maybe an occasional thing, unfortunately I got smothered in useless corporate support emails, so I don't think my account is legible for any support, and ill never find out what happened. What platform are you on by the way?
I don't think its fair to compare the most outrageous players to the moderates, yes a buisness and corporation is made up of people, but they embody an entity, with specific guidelines, rules etc. They quite literally can not just help us even if they'd like to, they have to go through the hoops and get authority to say…
Oh, my bad, there's so many titles, just double checked in game, and I got that "account is at least 8 years old" title called Protector of the Multoverse around Christmas, I think that means this is technically my 9th year playing? Maybe its my 8th, I forget man, but its a long time
I read the majority of this thread, I've been playing 9 years, and its comical to think that players at fault for Kabams sub par service. Kabam is not a friend, they're a company, you're not defending anything tangible, just a group of buisness people who will, and have in the past, only compensate players if there are apt…
Im just mad that I can fairly easily do the legendary quest for the key, but can't even use it for the rewards as I do not reach the level requirement. I'm very close to uncollected and at level 51, only need 4 more levels to participate but I'm struggling to scrape together the XP :"(