
  • You dumb. Instead making it obvious you're devaluing units you shouldn't cut into peoples' time in the process. Here's a smart idea. Make units more spendable and put some content to make them spendable. Pump out 7* and get some decent content out for people to spend their units rather than slow down economy...
  • this may work
  • I don't like that this is forced. I don't like that only milestone tweaks are on the table. This is not gonna work for me. I'm not uncollected. I suggest everyone plays "as they usually do" and figures out if they get more or less for similar time spend. This is sooo not worth it for me anymore. I don't think this is…
  • We just experienced this in our alliance. One of our guys went in against Cable and timed out. Then he started the second fight when another person took this screenshot: As you can see, attack bonus is still at 3 with second fight already under way... ?!?!?!