CrazedSoul541 ★
Hmm yeah but has kabam really ever done that? Oh well i like this idea theres always a first first for everything!
Hiya! While i enjoy reading everyones comments, and understand their complients, i just want to clarify a misunderstanding in your comment, First off i don’t worship the movie sure different could be said for other people, like you said it was good but not marvels biggest masterpiece ( hopefully that title goes to infinity…
I mean I understand how most of you think a third black panther is too much, but c’mon look at all the spideys and iron mans (i know, I know horrible examples that nobody asked for) but what i was hoping for was maybe a a black panther that got the stark spidey treatment ( what i mean by this: a honestly good character to…
Black Panther of the new movie: I think we should add this black panther because the character does not really have much justice in the game. The costume also has a lot of cool abilities such as kinectic energy that absorbs the damage, if you will, we can Also take into account the heart-shaped herbs powers and these cool…
Yes i relized that as soon as i posted it thats in the new caracter ideas thread I went into a bit more detail to make him at least a bit more unique
Black panther from the new movie: I feel like we should add this black panther because the character hasn’t really got much justice in the game also the suit has so many cool abilities such as kinectic energy absorbing damage ,if you will we can also take into account the heart shaped herbs powers and those cool tech…