
  • My stash is gone as well. Rebooting doesn't help
  • I hear you, right now I only have a couple rank 3 6* Champs and I barely scrape by some of those matches with rank 5 champs. Kang and Thanos teams are never the issue for me. Those are easy to beat. It's other players teams that are rank 5 that are an issue. I just like there to be a cap on how strong Champs can be in…
  • Again I could care less about the points people score. My issue is the potential for death matches. Hopefully by the time players progress to ranking up 7* Champs then they will change that in the arena.
  • There is a cap in the other arena of bringing champs no higher than 4*. I think having a cap on the 6* arena of 6* champs makes sense. And having a 7* Arena would be a benefit to end game players. Win win in my book
  • It is not an issue now. But once 7* are rank 2 and 3 then they will wreck any 5* and 6* teams. Yes, it is a hindrance to those who aren't endgame players because those death matches where the teams are 2x or 3x stronger kill your progression.