Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Yeah ok. Kabam is so wise. We are the customer. Masteries are for us to do with what we want. And did they ask what we thought would be reasonable to charge? No. They don't need input. And you love that, because you only like to argue with people who post anti kabam messages. Hey maybe you'll be July's new hero.
  • Oh so you're privy to the purpose of masteries then. How about zero masteries. That's pretty limited. So they are OK when they listen to us about some things but not masteries if they listen to the opinion of someone besides you.
  • It's all money. It all funnels into units which they hope we buy with money
  • A for profit game? For whom? So you're cool with kabam making us spend for something we worked so hard to populate. It used to cost - a lot - to even strip the masteries. It was a win to get thar to be free. And you think that to maintain the for profit nature of this game, we shouldn't get to make those changes at-will…
  • Who cares if they were free for a week. They should always be free, we'd all be on the same level field so why on earth would you not support free masteries? You go man. All you.
  • What does changing masteries entail? What good is stripping my masteries for free? So I can play like a naked, drunk ass in socks? Of they're making changes to masteries then they're making them cost more or they're taking away the free recovery part. The whole process should be free. What's the argument.
  • What on earth am I supposed to do with a bunch of resources of use in alliance war now that the season is over? And what about those of us who don't participate in war? Is the absolute bottom-level performance (at times) of this game not of interest to those of us? The attempt to reimburse the players who have dedicated…