Dark_Claw_Pr1me ★
Spots are open
My line ID is darkclawprime please connect if interested
Couple of spots open
Few spots open
Connect in Line App if interested please. Few spots open
Few spots open
I doubt we will ever have that many open at 1 time
We have 3 spots open
Few spots open
3 open spots
Need to fill a few spots
Few spots open
Few spots open
Padam~2 You’ll need to use Line bud sorry
Take a look
4 spots open
Have a few spots
4 spots open
1 spot open
Few spots open
We have 4 spots open and potentially more. Please connect in Line even if the alliance is full since randoms will join. This upcoming season will be optional instead of rotating 2 BGs so it will be 1 BG only Want communicators who understand the game
With AQ week ending tomorrow wanted to get a head start. We will have at least 4 spots open, maybe more. Reach out regardless if we are full since there are random people who will join.
A few spots open
We are a game life balanced alliance. We aren’t a retirement alliance and we aren’t a high stress married to your phone grinding alliance either. We are a medium alliance so to speak. We want experienced players that don’t need to be chased or babysat and can fight. People who think before they move, scout before choosing…
4 open spots
The 2mm a war season still isn’t enough. Probably should be 4mm
A minimum of a large amount of loyalty should be added.
2 spots open
darkclawprime is my Line ID Underground Warlords - UGWLs is alliance name Please share with your team and have anyone connect with me in Line if interested.
I hear what you’re saying but yes it is sorry. To be able to organize and plan out wars its really beneficial. Let me know if you change your mind though and thanks for reaching out.