
  • I have a feeling the TB whales bailed them out and Kabam will do nothing. On top of they already CYA’d themselves with the blue line leading up to Cyber Weekend on how they will not change anything. If only the TB’s didn’t spend in solidarity with us we would have had a chance to force some real change. Let’s face it…
  • For a heavy RNG based game they did nothing to assist Cav players in reaching the next tier. I mean, who wants to Rank 3 a Miles or Kamala? This is a whales world now peeps and sadly they spent a ton. Cavs and lower are being left in the dust. Time for me to make the move from spender and grinder to free to play and…
  • I personally don’t care what TB is getting (because I am not there yet). But the Cav deals do not assist me in becoming TB, at all. I am surprised they pulled the trigger on making the new rewards threshold now. Imagine how much more they would have made not splitting them until 2021. I went from going to spend up to 300…