Dice_nick20 ★
I think you need to have a saga champion that shares synergy with them
Hercules with black panther synergy soloes her
Definitely that juggernaut and other than him take up Nimrod, red mags, scorpion
It's quite easy bro you can learn it and she'll be really useful in the later acts I just finished act 8 yesterday and my rank 4 Kate was one of the MVPs
CGR and wiccan I'd say
Actually I just pulled future ant man from a nexus that very day so now I'm going with him
Bro I'm at act 8.3.3 and I have both cgr and venom at rank 4 I know cgr is way better But for act 8 you should go with venom . He is really usefull. He can also take those path that needs you to bring bleed champions and he is great on those nodes and on other paths too he is just amazing So for act 8 I'd say go with venom…
I don't know it was a mistake I guess Thanks for the suggestion brother
But still I'd say upgrade your Kate bishop and fantman for content after thronebreaker
Dude you got Hercules you don't need anyone else , trust me I also have him and I became thronebreaker and paragon within just around 15 days easily
Congratulations dude that's amazing I've just began my valiant journey so any particular advice regarding your journey that could help me?
Thanks for the suggestion bro Really appreciate it I guess I'll take cheelith up then
Thank you for this amazing and useful information brother
This is my roster Am I good enough to go or do I need some specific rank ups?
Well I have a 6* cheelith so should I rank her up?
Thanks buddy I have a r5 Hercules and r4 = bullseye, abs man, hulkling, photon, hulk, sentinel, doom, serpent, kindred, Mr. Sinister As for 7* I have a r2 Dani, r1= shocker, medusa, sersi, moondragon, stormX, venomoool
Just bring corvus in your team and take that old man logan path With that path gwenmaster will become like a piece of cake. But first watch video on youtube about how to defeat her I took that path and I completed the quest without any revive just today
It has been absolutely amazing so far I'm a cavalier player and I got 5 new 7* and 4 6* on rank 4 and pulled Hercules and duped him .
Totally agree with you
Yeah I guess that makes sense
I used to look at YouTube videos to learn how to dex . Then went in game and tried to dex without the dexterity mastery and died everytime. I was like why can't I do this. I really doubted my skills😂