Dizastar ★
I don't think round 1 and 2 will correlate this set either. The 5* arena is such a toss up. I wonder if people will go back to the 4* one round two, or still try to smash out the 5*...
I don't think we will get good numbers for the first month or so. I feel the first one will be super high, round two is a toss up between higher or lower from those trying to dupe or mad they landed at 151-200. Then depending on the next champ, it will still be high but slightly lower possibly.. it will take a little bit…
Are they outdated or have you just reached a point in the game where it is no longer valuable?
Just to help you out, marveltrucos.x10.mx/prestige_explained.php Actually that doesn't go that deep into it as well. You will need the Values of the top 5 champs without Mastery Points and average that... 30k is impossible.
So, I am probably a hypocrite because I am hording my T2A's and not ranking who I have hoping for a god tier pull, but instead of increasing the cap players should just rank up their champs. I mean, if we took them to R3... R4 isn't that much of a difference.
Everyone wants it, but the game is not designed for it. Like said above, bait fest... no one wins.
No one, they always show up.. and if they don't you're screwed because they stated add your name exactly as it appears according to their instructions. Cannot help you past that.
It's a gift... something they don't have to give you. Why should they announce it?
I had a dream we did back in November... though, it came with a new core that cost about 1500 units... so... I am glad it was a dream.
Was that on an Android, iOS, or Sony? Or whatever other system there is... could be a specific phone gift.
I used 5/50 Blade. Get to your L1, throw it, tap a few more hits if you need to in order to get him to his L2, then back up and evade his attack. Rinse, repeat. Though, I have only got him down to 2%. Never got the 1 shot.
I don't know but I'm 5/50'ing my Starky & Wolverine... & GR.. Probably it though... Have other good champs but 3/30 or 4/40 if they are lucky with where I'm at in the game.
If you beat Magik in 5.2.4 you are pretty much Uncollected. Horrible choice for my first path way back when haha
Could we please stop posting this every Sunday...
First off, DO NOT DIRECTLY MESSAGE PEOPLE UNSOLICITED! Second, why not try posting something about yourself? Everyone is looking for the best alliances, or the best they can fit into so why not saying what you offer? Prestige, Hero Rating, Top Champs, AQ Experience (maps you've ran) etc, etc. This post says nothing other…
Why not both? Just save Cats if that is your problem..
Based on the PI of the mini's alone, I feel like the boss was not that tough to fight. He is probably just a decent player.
Based on this video alone, I wish I would have saved for Medusa... You should watch it and decide if you want her... I do. I opened all my crystals in the basic when Starky joined like Noob and... well, I duped Ronan, Pulled and duped Spider-Gwen, pulled Black Panther, Quake, and Ant-Man... I only needed one more week...
Yeah, I just used Ronan... the only damage I took was recoil damage.. Try that. Or Ice Armor.
I haven't noticed it a lot with heavy attacks, but I have noticed it with dash attacks. It won't let me back sometimes. I'm still blocking, so only taking chip damage but I was trying to pull away.
Where did you see February?
Actually, Hell... I did change up my team right before going into this... Disregard :D
Ice Phoenix is not a "Dimensional Being"; Ghost Rider is. Read his passive abilities.
Why didn't you just quit the labs instead of wasting so many units. It is 3 times a day.... not worth your savings.
This was from back in August. http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/16100/changes-to-5-star-champion-sales#latest
Shoot me a message on Line Dizastarr
Hit me up on line Dizastarr to chat
Looking for another.
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/17902/15-0-alliance-wars-update#latest Never Forget! You’re an MVP! In addition to the Stats that you’re already used to seeing in your Summoner Profile, you’ll now also have a running tally of how many times you’ve been an MVP in Alliance Wars! This is a brand new…