Dmas21 ★
@Dark_King888 - what rewards do you think I got? Lol, I got a roughly 13 3* Venom, t4b shards (13 x 2700 shards), a bunch of 3* shards, gold and ISO. Do the math , 1 T4b, all o which were taken back, including all the 3* shards un opened. Roughly 13 paths in beginner quest, of which I had not completed. So I completed it,…
@Dark_King888 - you should really read and understand the post! .... your reply couldn't be more off base. Smh
@Spirit - it is a game, and the post is just sarcastic diatribe from a guy (me) who's just grown tired of the nickel and diming. To suggest the rewards I received would tilt the contest in my favour is laughable! 3x's those rewards I received (and yes I know and agree that I shouldn't have) wouldn't make a lick of…
@GroundedWisdom - ok I got you now!!! Thanks!
@GroundedWisdom - I'm not a tech person! Lol. Seriously. you lost me!
But the double evade didn't affect me! I never had that, I haven't been bothered by glitches in game since the massive 12.0 abomination!!! So I had an unfair advantage over most In game.
@GroundedWisdom - not sure what you're saying there.
@danielmath - read @Wiki9 ' s comment , he gets what I'm saying! And for the record, I could care less about what anyone gets for free, or by accident. I play this game for fun, I enjoy my alliance friends, but what I don't like is getting railed by kabam, and every chance they get!
@Wiki9 - you seem to understand what I'm saying!
@danielmath - pls try and understand my comment! But to clearify - 1. I should not have received those rewards. 2 - I knew (and kabam should have) that they would take them back! 3 - my issue isn't with the rewards, or that they took them back! My issue is this, the double evade bug made players spend units resources and…
@danielmath - so then are you ok with double evade bug? Or Parry not working properly in AQ? That is really the point I'm making.
@Luismarquez131 - I was the only one in my alliance that experienced this
@Viper1987 - pls read the whole post, all of that was already acknowledged
@Invisible - the threat of being banned permanently or temporarily is the reason I am posting this! I don't care about the rewards, those rewards wouldn't make a lick of difference on my account! In a nit she'll, glitch in favour of kabam = good, glitch in favour of player = very very bad!
@danielmath - I didn't do anything wrong. And I even stated I knew they would take the rewards back! But am I not supposed to play quest until bug is fixed? You're missing the point! I have ZERO ISSUE with them taking rewards back! None what so ever, I shouldn't have got them, I agree with that 100 %
Again, you're missing the point! I'm not bothered about the rewards. I'm bothered with the fact that they were quick to take all the rewards back! But where is the compensation for the bugs of late! When the game isn't up to par and causing people to use resources or spend units that they normally wouldn't have had to…
Well I didn't do anything "wrong". I just completed my quests. I never bought energy to run paths over and over! Just used energy, and I even stated that I knew they would take them back! And it's not the point I was making! Ya I shouldn't have got the rewards, I know this, my point is that when a glitch is in the favour…