DoctorGrunt ★
Hyperion or Thor, both are god tiers, hyp is poison immune
void is a good defender when players are bad. we defeat it as boss in aw today with 4 players, that means, very bad defender. in attack he's better on the long time than cage, but cage has bleed immune which is great, so all depend the players you already have. If no bleed immune go for cage. Else void because synergies…
Vision is great too, because of immus and power control. If you do AQ5 it's a must have.
why 2? do full 55555
+1 AW timer are useless, all the more the tactical part like feints is at the the of the war. Simply remove energy, it'll not change anything on the final result but will permit for players to communicate more and have a life IRL :smile: Keep AQ one for sure because time is part of the game in that mode.
Device and Model: iPhone 6S Device Operating System: 11.4 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 845756 Game Mode: All modes Description of the Issue: Issue is ultra simple, when there is nobody, in the night, for example, the game is at 60 fps, and when there are many players the game becomes unplayable because it…
You can sell iso to have money, I did it when I didn't have time to do vs. And upgrade only champs you REALLY need...
look at that: how can you play with such framerate?
I stopped AW because of that, on sunday I spent 15 items... I will wait until it is solved, last night server update had 0 effect.
pinging google dns 10 times/s is really stable, so it's not on my side: --- ping statistics --- 500 packets transmitted, 500 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.849/3.463/5.256/0.252 ms
New update, new lags since one week plus some transient network loses -> unplayable