Dragonplumber_1 ★
Anyone think it should be considered a bug that apocalypse can't stop cleanse champs even though cleanse is specificly called a purify ability in the kit of champs that have the ability?
Thanks for the link.
Let me know what you guys think. I think its kinda a big deal.
Last month we had beginner and cavalier difficulty. This month is the first to not have beginner.
No ya boi the glitch was in aq.
Thanks for your comments guys.
I recently lost 3,000 units from this glitch myself.
Alright thanks.
Also if anyone need to get a hold of me my line user is dragonplumber as well.
I had to vote colossus he is the only champ on the list I got as a five star and honestly he needs it.
I want to see toxin. Just want it to be like carnage but done better. Has to be stronger than carnage and venom