Dretlle ★
I just use void
I'm thinking about using the same team. Do you have any info you might think useful to know before going in?
I think the rifts do randomness well, especially this upcoming months iteration. The main part of the event is based on randomness but you have guaranteed rewards and choice too. It's not completely random and even if it was it would still be more interesting then mutant treasure island even if the rewards weren't unveiled…
I'm just here to voice my opinion nothing more
Yeah TRT has better rewards then MTI but I was mainly comparing MTI to the events that surrounded it not specifically the rewards of this month. And MTI had way more six star shards and five star shards then you mentioned idk why you were downplaying that. You say TRT had no annoyance at all and thats what made it boring…
I agree that Mutant treasure island was before its time and that's why I mentioned that it set unrealistic standards. I don't want another quest to come along and set another unrealistic standard like that one did. I also agree that this months side event questing took too long but I was complimenting the ring system. Your…
No its not but players roster will progress faster because of the changes kabam says they will make. I do agree its a bit much right now but it will get easier
For week 3 of legendary are the 5000 5* shards meant to have a higher drop rate than the 3000?
what masteries are you running? The PI seems lower than normal
https://youtu.be/KzZkwBsWYDs Here You go
I can link a recording of it if anyone would like
It takes me roughly 2 min to do 3 fights in the new 6 star arena and I gain around 16,500 points. That's about 12 minutes per 100,000 points. I would need to gain 100,000 points 40 times to reach the final milestone of 4,000,000 million points. 40 times 12 minutes is 480 minutes. 480 minutes is 8 hours. 8 hours over 7 days…
he look cool doe
This is an intended interaction.
Sorry about that nexus crystal, but congrats overall!
Ive had a nasty stutter in game for the past couple weeks
Ability accuracy reduction affects the chance to covert bleed into prowess and omega red also
Void benefits from a high sig ability, but it is not necessary. Cap needs the high sig level for reliability.
Because they restricted cavalier difficulty level side events to a level requirement.
I used a 4/55 doom, 4/55 warlock, 3/45 awakened void, 3/45 she-hulk, and 6 star unleveled hulkbuster. I used like 9 or 10 revives, but 7 were on the ultron boss becuase I was playing quite bad.
The Shocks off of hulkbuster are potent without a shock immune champion you are likely to use at least one revive. The shocks deal .5% to .66% of his attack depending on the star level. When act 6 gets nerfed his shocks will deal 3k to 4k damage each.
@DoubleDelta They could update the special attack animations, just not update the abilities
Beat her. Didnt use balde just played well with my sentinel and used his heavy and analysis charges well. Thank you for the help.
For the memes
Thank you completely forgot about that. That'll do the trick