
  • You mainly want to worry about Caustic Temper. Medusa and Hyperion would be a great counter since they have both fury and poison immunity. You have Heimdall, and if you happen to have Angela or Hela, that synergy will also give a fury to bypass the 90% damage reduction. With those champs you'll take down that Sinister with…
  • Popped a 5* at midnight, pulled a Captain America Infinity War. I without hesitation slapped that AG that I was saving from the summoner appreciation event.
  • I feel like the debate here is interesting. Both sides offer valid standpoints. I can offer some warrants to help clarify both sides. While one side argues that one account can be representative of the F2P base, the other side argues that more data is needed. So here's my view of this (from a numbers standpoint). That one…
  • Why oh why are the conquerors so oppressed? Like what's wrong with beating Maestro? It feels wrong for us to be grouped with the proven since there is a wide gap in progression for people who beat Act 4 and are close to Uncollected and people who just beat Thanos. At least give us something in between. Proven got 2.5k 5*…
  • For someone like me, yes it would be incentive enough. What about people who beat Act 4 and can't just jump into Act 5? They'll need a while before getting to the collector. Those people probably need a bigger push from the calendar. This may seem wishy washy but the lack of 5 stars from the calendar really threw me off.…
  • As a suggestion, conquerors should be able to get 5 star shards as well. As a person who's close to Uncollected but kinda stuck on the Bane node, conquerors should get some compensation for beating the Maestro. Perhaps add a fourth of a tier 2 alpha or add 5 star shards. Because proven seems lackluster for someone like me…
  • So if the calendar for proven is a typo, doesn't that just mean anyone who's not Uncollected and Cavalier just doesn't get their 4*s or 5*s from the calendar? Man. You got my hopes up for nothing. Welp. Now I gotta beat the Collector now.
  • Why so serious? Obviously, I can't argue with the classifications, but what happens when they are implemented? Would there be suddenly a mass increase in a certain class? Did Kabam purposely do this to balance the ratio so that there would be around equal class members? I'm quite curious. But I do not, however, see the…
  • Don't worry, I'm not going to rant or whine. I'll be brief. It seems to me that this "battle pass" style subscription is very... controversial to say the least. And you know what? I want to create a compromise. If we follow the standard battle pass formula, there should be a pass tier, for the paying players, but there…
  • *Disclaimer: I am in no way good at this game and if this is necroposting then I apologize. First of all, I believe that the title of legend is overrated. You spend countless hours grinding at breakneck speeds for shiny red letters on top of your name. Now, for the legend obtainment discussion, I for one think that speed…
  • So for the free trial, I'm guessing we won't get the title.
  • I recently made a transaction of 3000 dungeon artifacts to buy a Chaos Crystal. I bought it and it said transaction successful. But the crystal never showed up. I reloaded the game. And again. Nothing. What's happening and has this happened to anyone else?
  • Interesting. The crystal appears to be in the inventory tab. However, there is no option to open it. It's just...there. There's only a "Get More" option when selecting it.
  • I did. I checked everywhere. No crystal.
  • Not gonna lie, we need more powerful tech champions. I voted for Colossus and kinda regret it now.