Compensation Discussion [MERGED THREADS]



  • ahock101ahock101 Member Posts: 118
    Ktashak said:

    I think Kabam finally did something correctly! Why the hell are starter players yelling that they didn't get 7500 red shards? If the game is fully functional they have no chance to get it anyway. This is a fair compensation. Disagree with me, it changes nothing. Also the glory is OK. It cannot be more fair. Imagine if someone who plays this game 1 week getting the same compensation as an oldschool cavalier with 100% 6.3.. just imagine

    I am in an alliance with a few cavaliers tell me how they were more affected than me and therefore deserve better compensation
  • allingutsallinguts Member Posts: 27

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    Absolutely agree, even though I'm just uncollected I agree with you sir
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    I mean, just because we are lazy/too busy for story progression as we have other duties(example side quests(more rewards) and alliance events) doesn't mean that we are not affected by the maintenance. there are a lot of other modes for us to play too, and story progression does not reflect our level. From my point of view, only the cavalier compensation is good as they were trying for labyrinth etc but for proven people who are trying to clear uncollected, 2.5k shards and a 4* crystal are not going to help at all. While I am grateful for the compensation, I feel that the compensation should be given out equally regardless of titles.

    There is no way someone with proven should get a 5* crystal and 1k 6* shards just like that it just destroys the basic progression. A 4* is brilliant for aiming for uncollected, especially if it’s a top tier one
    I'm not asking for a fully formed 5* crystal or 6* shards, just increase the amount of 5* shards and scrape the 4* crystal
    Right but where do you draw the line. Someone else could say the same thing “oh just stop the 5* shards and give us 2 6*s”
    that's not what I'm just not satisfied that someone who is trying for uncollected is getting the same rewards as those who just started.
    You have the same title don’t you?
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    edited November 2019

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    I get why you did what you did but from my viewpoint it's not fair. Maybe you should have separated people based on average alliance ranking in the AQ and war and sent out compensation packages based on that so everybody within every alliance got the same rewards? That would have been fair because those are the areas of the game that were most affected. However you didn't do that, instead you sent it out based on story mode progression which has nothing to do with what happened or how it impacted the game. You had better options and instead of spending the time exploring those options you went with this simple yet unacceptable solution.
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    I honestly mean no disrespect and hopefully the next time something like this happens, if it does, you think a little more outside the box before sending out compensation packages to everyone within the community.
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    I get why you did what you did but from my viewpoint it's not fair. Maybe you should have separated people based on average alliance ranking in the AQ and war and sent out compensation packages based on that so everybody within every alliance got the same rewards? That would have been fair because those are the areas of the game that were most affected. However you didn't do that, instead you sent it out based on story mode progression which has nothing to do with what happened or how it impacted the game. You had better options and instead of spending the time unexploring those options you went with this simple yet unacceptable solution.

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    I get why you did what you did but from my viewpoint it's not fair. Maybe you should have separated people based on average alliance ranking in the AQ and war and sent out compensation packages based on that so everybody within every alliance got the same rewards? That would have been fair because those are the areas of the game that were most affected. However you didn't do that, instead you sent it out based on story mode progression which has nothing to do with what happened or how it impacted the game. You had better options and instead of spending the time unexploring those options you went with this simple yet unacceptable solution.
    This actually seems quite fair lol
  • Judge_PainJudge_Pain Member Posts: 93

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    I get why you did what you did but from my viewpoint it's not fair. Maybe you should have separated people based on average alliance ranking in the AQ and war and sent out compensation packages based on that so everybody within every alliance got the same rewards? That would have been fair because those are the areas of the game that were most affected. However you didn't do that, instead you sent it out based on story mode progression which has nothing to do with what happened or how it impacted the game. You had better options and instead of spending the time unexploring those options you went with this simple yet unacceptable solution.
    Again, this compensation has NOTHING do to with AW. The mail said it would be a separate thing that they are still working on.
  • Master3418Master3418 Member Posts: 218

    I mean, just because we are lazy/too busy for story progression as we have other duties(example side quests(more rewards) and alliance events) doesn't mean that we are not affected by the maintenance. there are a lot of other modes for us to play too, and story progression does not reflect our level. From my point of view, only the cavalier compensation is good as they were trying for labyrinth etc but for proven people who are trying to clear uncollected, 2.5k shards and a 4* crystal are not going to help at all. While I am grateful for the compensation, I feel that the compensation should be given out equally regardless of titles.

    There is no way someone with proven should get a 5* crystal and 1k 6* shards just like that it just destroys the basic progression. A 4* is brilliant for aiming for uncollected, especially if it’s a top tier one
    I'm not asking for a fully formed 5* crystal or 6* shards, just increase the amount of 5* shards and scrape the 4* crystal
    Right but where do you draw the line. Someone else could say the same thing “oh just stop the 5* shards and give us 2 6*s”
    that's not what I'm just not satisfied that someone who is trying for uncollected is getting the same rewards as those who just started.
    You have the same title don’t you?
    yes, I'm trying for uncollected
  • Duke_KingdomDuke_Kingdom Member Posts: 15
    Why oh why are the conquerors so oppressed? Like what's wrong with beating Maestro? It feels wrong for us to be grouped with the proven since there is a wide gap in progression for people who beat Act 4 and are close to Uncollected and people who just beat Thanos. At least give us something in between. Proven got 2.5k 5* shards and uncollected got 7.5k. Why can't conquerors get 5k? It's solid middle ground.
  • Master3418Master3418 Member Posts: 218
    edited November 2019

    Why oh why are the conquerors so oppressed? Like what's wrong with beating Maestro? It feels wrong for us to be grouped with the proven since there is a wide gap in progression for people who beat Act 4 and are close to Uncollected and people who just beat Thanos. At least give us something in between. Proven got 2.5k 5* shards and uncollected got 7.5k. Why can't conquerors get 5k? It's solid middle ground.

    agreed. we conquerors have a need for 5*s to make uncollected easier for us. you can say we are the in between so we should not be getting the same rewards as those who just beat Maestro.( sorry guys we have another stronger guy to beat called the collector who can't be killed without spamming revives)
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 207 ★★
    Now give uncollected and cavalier a 4* crystal to even out summoners advancement points. Lmao!!!
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 170
    You have to look at this as 9 hours of gameplay were taken away from you that you might never get back. If you could literally never make up for it, the Cavalier and UC people would've been playing more advanced content with bigger rewards to earn than Proven people. So of course compensation to make up for lost gameplay has to be based on what level of content you are playing at. The more advanced content has bigger rewards, which means more lost opportunity when you can't play.
  • Brutus2099Brutus2099 Member Posts: 52

    Everyone was equally affected but Kabam continues to insult us with tiered compensation? Utter rubbish. But typical....

    We can't give a new player an entire 5-Star and 1000 6-Star shards. We scale rewards because we have a progression plan for the entire game.
    Maybe not but uncollected and cavalier should have got same.
  • DBagzDBagz Member Posts: 15
    I do think we should all get a 4 star cull obsidian as well. Arena was down too. Others we should be content with the rest of the rewards.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 918 ★★★
    I didn't receive any compensation? I got my rewards that I wasn't able to claim. I playing when they shut it down for emergency maintenance.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 918 ★★★
    Nevermind, I had to restart the game. Sorry
  • HSenpaiHSenpai Member Posts: 92

    Thank you Kabam. Compensation was amazing :)
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    edited November 2019
    I get what all of you are saying about the compensation package reflecting current level of gameplay. However in my opinion they should have set up the Compensation packages based on average ranking in the AQ and war rating. Those were the areas affected. I realize another compensation package will be coming later on down the road having to do with these and that's good to hear. but the maintenance still affected everyone in my alliance in the exact same way and we all play on the same alliance quest map and the same war map yet everyone in my alliance got different compensation packages based on story mode progression. How is this fair if we are all up against the same level of difficulty concerning group game play content?
  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,085 ★★★
    Good job this time with compensation Kabam, I was expecting this as a whole so whatever we get for Wars is icing on the cake
  • Pudge008Pudge008 Member Posts: 39
    Not happy with the Karnak I pulled lol but happy that the compensation felt fair to me. Like that we received some 6 star shards and all the potions and revives. Overall rating for the compensation is a A-. Would like to have seen some gold in there or some battle chips because of lost arena time but overall good job.
  • Fusions33Fusions33 Member Posts: 3
    It affected all players and alliances the same it should not be tiered based on rank. It’s ridiculous. I have one account Cavalier and one Uncollected. My Uncollected account was not affected any less than my Cavalier.
    If you received less than Cavalier submit a ticket and maybe they’ll rectify it.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Well done very please with this and how you handed it out based on overall game progression to make the rewards comparably to what was lost for folks.

    Won’t please everyone but was balanced with how the game is outline in progression.
  • GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Felt okay with it til I opened an extremely worthless 5* Falcon that’s now sig 40 ...........🤦🏼‍♂️ It’s like receiving a present with a whoopie cushion or flaming pile of poo in it.

    I wish RNG would be removed from all forms of Compensation. Pretty disappointing that even with Cavalier status, I see others pulling top tier champs while I pull straight garbage that adds practically no value to my roster.

    Although the gesture is appreciated, as stated, I don’t feel RNG should play a role in compensation.
  • DaRealMcCoyDaRealMcCoy Member Posts: 11
    jsmitty57 said:

    Yeah i agree that anyone playing longer than a year should have gotten the same. I dont have resources to make cav. But ive been IC for over a year or so. I feel pretty left out by these rewards since cav is still relatively new... I disagree with the newer guys getting the same but people who have been playing for a long time should have all gotten the same rewards.

    +1000%! I'm UC & my thing is remember that pretty solid 3-month Summoner Appreciation calendar? Arguably that was compensation/incentivizing for performance issues in the game at that time. EVERYONE had access to that & it included a sizeable chunk of 5* shards AND like 700 6* shards! It's rather absurd to shortchange people based on their completion of content that just came out earlier this year!

    I was pretty geeked when I saw in the in-game message, but this thread quickly showed me that the game managed to stick it to me once again...
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