EliOrSomething ★★
No need to be rude, I gave my honest opinion and in my honest opinion regardless of his buff, he’s easily the worst champion to be introduced into the titan pool at this point
yeah def my bad for hoping to see anyone siding with me on the forums LMAO
I appreciate it, honestly im probably just gonna uninstall, Literally thousands of units and hours of work down the tubes based off of a most likely already predetermined outcome, very frustrating… I definitely think this game has a tendency to lean towards unfavorable outcomes no matter what the “odds” say. But at the end…
okay but not everyone can be “the unluckiest person in the world” and yet that seems to be the case for a lot of people
mock me all you want dude but the odds of this happening are actually impossible
Bringing this back up to the top in hopes it gets some kind of response… starting to lose hope
Alongside this I now find I am UNABLE to unbind a relic from my 7* Elsa. I had a 4* ws relic, I pulled a 5*, I go to unbind the 4* and click unbind… surprise surprise… nothing happens, the tab asking me whether or not I would like to unbind goes away and it goes back to the previous screen showing my 7* Elsa, STILL BOUND…
I still have yet to see any response from MODs or any reason why we can’t just bind relics to champs while they’re in AW even though Relics have no effect on AW. Please can I get a response from someone at Kabam? There is no reason this process should be THIS difficult
Update, this didn't work even after having finished the war I was currently in, it still said my chavez was being used in a quest. This needs MOD attention I feel
I’ll try this, even if this does work does that not seem like a very convoluted way to do something that should be very simple?
That fixed it thanks! Strange…
I have noticed an increase in “smart AI” as well, specifically in BG’s, for example this season the name of the game is to intercept frequently and by god if I haven’t seen some of the most defensive AI’s I’ve ever seen! I’ve also noticed Nick Furys regularly landing 5 hit combos ending in a light attack, or Herc special…
Of all the mod responses to this subject, quite possibly the most disappointing one, just Kabam Miike flexing his profile
Maybe that had a little something to do with it but I think I’ve been in Diamond for most of these matches!
A little disappointing to see the last update on this situation was nearly a year ago by this point and these catalysts have only become more abundant
Bold of you to think they would ever be this considerate of your time and resources
People can hate on my opinion all they want but I have yet to see any physical proof that the rates are correct. However what I have seen is people who have opened well over 100 crystals total and have yet to get a 6 star from them. Probability says that that will happen sometimes but I personally believe it’s a lot more…
well, glad to see everyone else is getting all the luck that im not 💀
As everyone else I’m sure has already said in this thread. The justification behind not giving all accounts the updated rewards makes no sense. Firstly would it not cost Kabam more time to figure out who just completed all of this within the last however long than just giving the updated rewards to everyone who has…
Just to finally get a chance at 6 star class sig stones lol
I did, that solves it thank you! I had no idea that objective didn’t open until gold
magik and quake, then 6 star herc
Maybe all the info was mentioned ONCE on a MULTIPLE HOUR LIVE STREAM… is it so wrong for people in the community to want the information to be reliable and easily accessible? How do you propose I go find the info… go to the old livestream and watch the whole thing or scrub through the progress bar? That seems ridiculous,…
ahhh i misread, then I say apoc vs apoc!
ghost vs ebony maw doesnt work at all since all guaranteed crits are guaranteed to miss
found the kabam mole
This will be my last response since you seem to be incapable of seeing any perspective except your own. My finals thoughts on the topic are that your metaphor about going to a restaurant and asking for free food makes no sense. Maybe if instead you’d said it’s like I went and started washing dishes for the restaurant, and…
Man said “Conclusion” then proceeded to make up his own Conclusions. Nobody is asking for “Free” stuff, I’m simply asking for the ability to earn the things that are so easily bough with the swipe of a credit card. I also never said to take away all the deals for the whales or stop appealing to them. I am just pointing out…
Only bought a couple of lower level deals because it coincided with an EOP run i needed to do. As much as I’d love to spend hundreds on new rank 5s I don’t see the point with the champ progression moving as fast as it is.
I saved about 30 and spent units for the other 20 ish!