
  • when I have the ability to miss ult/3 special attacks in a dungeon, it's even more! Isn't this a war and a difficult task? Question number 2, why does the Infamous Iron Man get shocked damage and incinerate in 9th life, but Hercules often doesn't go to 2nd life, even though the characters are not mystics and are not…
  • the fact is that I have 10, someone didn’t even get 4 and it’s a shame, someone played 5 tickets and 7, and I already had 10 available, but Kabam deceived me
    in Snake prank Comment by GaNKSTeR March 27
  • a day has passed and I have not received a response😡
    in Snake prank Comment by GaNKSTeR March 27
  • You lied to me?
    in Snake prank Comment by GaNKSTeR March 27