GambitLover420 ★
fairly quickly
Wait is gonna suck, but I understand. I'll be here when you get back.
Claire, since she's smoking hot
Pulling 3* Colossus. This was pre-buff, but I thought he was cool and ranked him up over Thing. Good times.
bad thoughts
that sucks, but the bobbling isn't that bad. As long as figure quality is fine then I'm good.
He's not on here because he's the best cosmic. That's why it's second best
Which is why they aren't here. Maybe should've been third best cosmic...
I like this, and @SpideyFunko tells me he likes this idea as well. Sounds fun!
anything's possible
I'm predicting Captain Marvel (Classic) is going to win, but it'll be close
Yeah, but in the Captain Marvel outfit...
Not Groot! Loving this OP
Um... self explanatory if you ask me