Gimpy43 ★
Can the description clarify whether the increased stun duration is based on “base block proficiency” or “current block proficiency” (synergies, in fight abilities, masteries, etc).
Overall nice change to war systems, Just curious is there a system that moves people that have recently received a bye up the priority list for matchmaking for their next war matchmaking? This would minimize repeat byes for those less experienced alliances.
I think we’ve got what you’re looking for. Great balance of competetiveness with a laid back atmosphere that has kept a large part of our alliance together for over 2 years. Hit me up on line (Gimpy43) and we can chat more Edit: plat 3 pushing plat 2 btw
In regards to the dark empowerment synergy and also hela and Angela revive synergy, I believe these only heal you to a percentage of your base health so on a large noded up champion you might not even notice the regeneration kick in because to my knowledge the revives do not break the combo like Phoenix and don’t proc any…
On top of everything too they took away 2/3 of the unique synergies that were really starting to add another layer of uniqueness to the champions and make someone like blade even more devastating and replaced them with boring base synergies like the old champs had.
First off we’re letting this person who just wants to rial people up that are already frustrated break down a constructive chat about a champ that needs to be revisited by Kabam so just ignore their post and they’ll go to some other chat room to get a rise out of someone else. There was a very constructive conversation at…
First off we’re letting this person who just wants to rial people up that are already frustrated break down a constructive chat about a champ that needs to be revisited by Kabam so just ignore their post and they’ll go to some other chat room to get a rise out of someone else. There was a very constructive conversation at…
Hey we're a 9 mill alliance finishing top 1000 in aq. Running 5x5 in aq and tier 2/3 in wars. Message me in game or line app (Gimpy43 for both)