Henk647384648 ★
I have the same issue. Scrolled through the profile pic 20 times. There also really should be a better way to filter them.
Easy choice for me also
If you really want to know: When I started playing the game, back in 2018, after trying out six names or something like that and finding out they were all already taken, I got bored and just put Henk plus a random string of numbers. Never felt the need to change it on the forum after I changed it to MayanSaiyan I game. But…
Dear Kabam and Summoners, Disappointment you find, where expectations were set. In the case of the banquet there are 2 main causes: 1. Expectations created by Kabam , by what and how they communicated 2. But also very important: Expectations created by us, the summoners. We always create an image in our head of what we…
True, and even though 100 units is very steep for just a 2* you do get a 1 in 30 chance to get the right champ. But the chance that you get a champ that is in the standard PHCs is way to big for that price. IMHO the crystal should at least contain only non PHC-champs. The most unclear for me is why they make it so hard to…
Yeah, I have been grinding and saving all year to end my MCOC-run with a bang. A bang-quet :-D
Nope, I claim that one religiously every day
Thanks, really appreciate that. Nice way to get more exploration. Gonna use it right back at them :-)
Shouldn't it show them in this list as blank or something? It only shows 4 and on the map there are also only 4 avatars
Oneplus One has very frequent dropouts and random sprite removal