Hibbly ★
I’m thinking of using a team consisting of: 7* r2 unduped sinister 6* r4 ascended sinister 7* r3 onslaught 6* r3 Apocalypse 7* r2 northstar You mentioned the havok synergy, should I swap 6* sinister out for it, or just have two sinisters?
Ok thanks
Does that include all 3 bosses in a quest?
That’s good to know thanks
I don’t think I’m understanding this properly but is this a bit of a unit sink, I’m a later game paragon with a roster that’s not very diverse
How will red guardian do on glykhan as he has big special damage?
I don’t have any of them, I think for completion against glykhan I used kitty, apoc, hit monkey, herc and maybe cable synergy for apoc.