ILovePonies ★
@"Kabam Lyra" False information by the looks of it, need to look further into this. Literally just been parried by 565 medusa on node 29 with ghost. Happened twice, have 1 recorded, phase 2 hits then retaliate parry dead. Had to use items and still couldnt do nothing.
Loyalty is a game currency awarded mainly by playing AW... so to be used in alliance events (aw/aq) yeah revives would be nice.. but not from loyalty. Also its not like you cant grind units ir farm them thru daily events like the rest of us
Thats pointless hes not even hard to kill anyway
Happens when you use sentinel, he steals the points from you, shouldnt use sentinel
If its the “poison” as well as fury.. not XB.. but if poison is included.. then poison immune fury champs.. and btw medusa needs the dupe to gain fury.. hype preferred dupe too. Dont wanna be harsh.. but.. Understand the nodes and have big rosters or dont do map 7
With fury champs. Xb Medusa Hype
Add on line app and will show
Try fighting that juggs like we all did before he got nerfed then start moaning.
I did CM clash with 565 quake 565 aa 4* 330 ronan 3/45 hype, wasnt too bad
Hmm well we shall see... haha
Like this idea
Nice thanks for confirming!
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Wolf"
Ive seen someone recently pull like 3 she hulks from 3 crystals, quit moaning
Or fight him in variant
Start running map 6 hes in map 6 section 1, your welcome.
I agree. I would really like the sym pet as an avatar.
Im a leader.. just use line app
Quakes passive evade.. worked in both fights. Force of will will stop ability accuracy modification but does not counter passive abilities that you gain urself hence my evade was fine when the heavy registered. The darkhawk fight.. i hae dueled 3 times last night, and 2 duels fine no ignoring my heavy.. 3rd duel, 3rd heavy…
But you cant mistime it. Your either too late and the next hit will hit you.. or you will heavy and hit them as an intercept. I never let go untill i see “evade” because i know the AI sometimes will just walk towards you and not attack
1 shot him near enough, no evade fails**
Every other evade worked, 1 shot him with her the first try near enough no evade fails, and for darkhawk? Quake took him nearly every single run last months EQ, and the fight with DH in this video.. rest of the video passive evade worked fine besides mistiming some parries (could of been my fault mistiming but how can you…
Explain the first evade then? How did the first work and second never? And explain the darkhawk fight no force of will.
@"Kabam Miike" i gotta be reasonable here. The gifts were free, cant complain on that. But come on, your company.. is making a HUGGGGGGE profit, daily, weekly, this gifting event alone you have made enough money, to be stable for the next 13 months if NOBODY spends at all. Your game. Is a virtual world. Virtual items. Come…
Alliance tag; §ÏN6乃
I really like the new idea of BGs being able to do various maps.. very clever idea But in terms of donations.. would it be possible to get a breakdown for this in terms of some variations of maps being run.. I have seen AQ cost calculator and it basically splits the donations between 30 If BG1 66666 BG2 55555 BG3 55555 BG1…
Understand progression. The “infinite streak” won’t be the same forever. The game has progressed.. and will progress more the more people get 3 565s and so on
Rank your 5 stars up to all rank 2 and don’t use low PI champs
This is so stupid. I don’t see the big problem with it. Yes it makes you use your brain a little more when scouting your path, even better way to handle this... take away all class types when joining attack phase. Literally the only reason they have done it to hide what kabam should hide anyway.